So, it's been a week, and here are the results for the latest quiz.
Some of you already know, but the show I picked for this week is The Office, since I think most of us have seen at least a couple episodes, and are at least somewhat familiar with the characters. First, the characters and their descriptions:
Dwight: You've always been a little.... different, but that's just because everyone else is too stupid to see what a total genius you are. Arrogant and a total stickler for the rules, you never seem to understand why some people are always avoiding you.
Pam: Easily intimidated and a hopeless romantic, you try to get through life by flying under the radar, but somehow you always end up hitting speed bump after speed bump. You're kind-hearted and also easily intimidated - if only someone would show you the respect you deserve.
Jim: You have so much promise, but you're more than willing to let a defeatist attitude overcome your ambition. Though you have lofty goals and are capable of receiving great praise, you'd just as soon strike a rebellious pose and avoid the grunt work.
Michael: Sometimes it's better to listen than to speak, but that's a lesson you've unfortunately never learned. Often loud and inappropriate and always eager to be a part of the gang, the only time you're the life of the party is when you're by yourself.
Ryan: There are those in life who drive and those who are driven, and you are nothing if not driven. Ambitious and energetic, you are a go-getter who manages to keep his eye on the ball, even as those around you aimlessly wander astray.
And now, the final tally. I've decided to include the score after the highest and lowest characters are listed, because I find the statistics interesting, and I don't care if you don't. Props to Carly for managing to give every character the same score.
Becca: Jim (4); Dwight, Ryan (1)
Carly: Everybody (2)
Chris: Michael, Ryan (3); Dwight, Jim (1)
Jessica: Michael (4); Dwight (0)
Rachel: Dwight, Pam (3); Jim, Michael (1)
Robert: Dwight, Michael (3); Ryan (0)
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Great Expectations
So, the AFI list came out last week, and most of the things I hoped for came true. My overall percentage actually went up by 1%, although most of that was in the bottom 50 films. Oh well. "Star Wars" went up and "Gone with the Wind" went down, although they didn't pass one another, sadly. Also, "The Fellowship of the Ring" got on the list, at number 50 (way too low), but I think that might have to do with the fact that all three lists were on the nomination list, so I think some votes were lost that way to the overall trilogy, since I'm sure most people didn't vote for more than one of the films.
Sadly, "Citizen Kane" retained its top spot, but at least I've seen it. There were some interesting developments, one of the most interesting being that "The Searchers" made it to # 12, from its previous spot in the Bottom 10. Also, "Intolerance" took the place of "The Birth of a Nation" as the oldest film. "Intolerance" jumped to the number 49 spot from previously not being on the list. "The Matrix," which I was sure would make it, didn't manage to climb on the list. I'm not really sure how film people can convince themselves that it wasn't both a great movie and important to movie history, but then, they're probably all old. There were 43 new movies available for addition to the list, but only 4 managed to make it, and all of those #50 or lower. 19 other new films were added to the list, but they were all previously available.
The economist and philosopher in me want to know the constituancy of the voters to find out their ages, race, and other pertinant information to try to see if there are reasons for the way they've voted, and to find out if average ages and what not have changed since the first list. I have to imagine that the average age of the voters is fairly old, which is fine, but I think it does skew things a little bit. There are a ton of movies from the 70's, which I think might have something to do with the fact that many of the voters could sympathize with movies of that age, since that's when they were coming of age. But I could be wrong. I'll probably never know.
Sadly, "Citizen Kane" retained its top spot, but at least I've seen it. There were some interesting developments, one of the most interesting being that "The Searchers" made it to # 12, from its previous spot in the Bottom 10. Also, "Intolerance" took the place of "The Birth of a Nation" as the oldest film. "Intolerance" jumped to the number 49 spot from previously not being on the list. "The Matrix," which I was sure would make it, didn't manage to climb on the list. I'm not really sure how film people can convince themselves that it wasn't both a great movie and important to movie history, but then, they're probably all old. There were 43 new movies available for addition to the list, but only 4 managed to make it, and all of those #50 or lower. 19 other new films were added to the list, but they were all previously available.
The economist and philosopher in me want to know the constituancy of the voters to find out their ages, race, and other pertinant information to try to see if there are reasons for the way they've voted, and to find out if average ages and what not have changed since the first list. I have to imagine that the average age of the voters is fairly old, which is fine, but I think it does skew things a little bit. There are a ton of movies from the 70's, which I think might have something to do with the fact that many of the voters could sympathize with movies of that age, since that's when they were coming of age. But I could be wrong. I'll probably never know.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Quiz Show
It's that time again! Time for another fun quiz!
Comment your answers, and in about a week I'll put up all the results. And if you don't answer, I'll just have to answer for you, and you won't be able to complain about who you are.
Oh, and I'm not going to tell you which show I've picked until after you've answered.
Note: When answering the questions, don't pick your favorite of the possible answers, pick what best suits you. And if there's two that are equally true, you can pick more than one answer for each question. Just don't do it often, because it makes work for me. Also, if you don't know all of the options, just go with your gut. It's not necessary to research the answers.
1. If you were a kind of paper associated with the workplace, you'd be...
a) letterhead
b) legal sized
c) shredded documents
d) a Post-it Note
e) a business card
2. If you were a way to cook eggs, you'd be...
a) scrambled
b) sunny-side up
c) over easy
d) soft boiled
e) poached
3. If you were a way to get to work, you'd be...
a) carpooling
b) riding the subway
c) biking
d) taking the bus
e) walking
4. If you were a Steven King novel, you'd be...
a) Cujo
b) Carrie
c) The Stand
d) The Dead Zone
e) The Shining
5. If you were a part of a camera, you'd be...
a) viewfinder
b) focus
c) auto rewind
d) zoom lens
e) flim
6. If you were a finger, you'd be...
a) thumb
b) index
c) middle
d) ring
e) pinkie
7. If you were a sign of the zodiac, you'd be...
a) Gemini
b) Leo
c) Aries
d) Capricorn
e) Pisces
8. If you were a fabric care tag, you'd be...
a) Dry clean only.
b) Machine wash warm.
c) Hang to dry.
d) Iron at high setting.
e) Wash separately.
9. If you were a coffee order, you'd be...
a) black
b) with cream and sugar
c) with skim and Sweet'N Low
d) with nondairy creamer
e) decaf
10. If you were a comic strip, you'd be...
a) Dick Tracy
b) The Family Circus
c) Cathy
d) Doonesbury
e) Dilbert
Comment your answers, and in about a week I'll put up all the results. And if you don't answer, I'll just have to answer for you, and you won't be able to complain about who you are.
Oh, and I'm not going to tell you which show I've picked until after you've answered.
Note: When answering the questions, don't pick your favorite of the possible answers, pick what best suits you. And if there's two that are equally true, you can pick more than one answer for each question. Just don't do it often, because it makes work for me. Also, if you don't know all of the options, just go with your gut. It's not necessary to research the answers.
1. If you were a kind of paper associated with the workplace, you'd be...
a) letterhead
b) legal sized
c) shredded documents
d) a Post-it Note
e) a business card
2. If you were a way to cook eggs, you'd be...
a) scrambled
b) sunny-side up
c) over easy
d) soft boiled
e) poached
3. If you were a way to get to work, you'd be...
a) carpooling
b) riding the subway
c) biking
d) taking the bus
e) walking
4. If you were a Steven King novel, you'd be...
a) Cujo
b) Carrie
c) The Stand
d) The Dead Zone
e) The Shining
5. If you were a part of a camera, you'd be...
a) viewfinder
b) focus
c) auto rewind
d) zoom lens
e) flim
6. If you were a finger, you'd be...
a) thumb
b) index
c) middle
d) ring
e) pinkie
7. If you were a sign of the zodiac, you'd be...
a) Gemini
b) Leo
c) Aries
d) Capricorn
e) Pisces
8. If you were a fabric care tag, you'd be...
a) Dry clean only.
b) Machine wash warm.
c) Hang to dry.
d) Iron at high setting.
e) Wash separately.
9. If you were a coffee order, you'd be...
a) black
b) with cream and sugar
c) with skim and Sweet'N Low
d) with nondairy creamer
e) decaf
10. If you were a comic strip, you'd be...
a) Dick Tracy
b) The Family Circus
c) Cathy
d) Doonesbury
e) Dilbert
This Film Is Not Yet Rated
I've been meaning for a while now to rant about the movie rating system. I've mentioned my dislike of it before, but I think this article sums it up fairly well. But it does require a few additional comments.
The line between G and PG seems very arbitrary. A comparison I think I've made before is between a movie like The Lion King, and a movie like Over the Hedge. One deals with regicide, family betrayal, and a villain with a scene reminiscent of Nazi Germany. The other deals with animals stealing food in the suburbs, and evil exterminator, and a bear who wants it's food back by the end of winter. Now you tell me which should be G and which should be PG. And don't even get me started on Ben-Hur, or any number of older movies.
Then there's the R rating, which is most of what the article deals with. It encompasses everything from violence to sex to torture to nudity. Honestly, with what I've seen in R, I can't figure out how NC-17 is necessary.
My sophomore year in high school I illegally went to see an R rated movie. While I still would have gone to see it without parental guidance had I known it was R, I honestly thought that it was PG-13. There was no sex, nudity, or torture. There was some violence, but it was pretty much what you could see on televison at any time (although way cooler looking). The movie was The Matrix, and I was amazed to find out that it was rated R. I still am. How a movie like that, and slasher/torture movies like Saw and Hostel can be rated the same thing, I have no idea.
So I have to agree with the writer of the article; it seems like a good idea to get rid of all ratings, and provide detailed information for parents that actually want to enforce what their kids see. Of course, there are parents out there who take their 4 year olds to see The Two Towers, so there are definitely parents out there who lack the decision making capabilities to moniter what their kids watch. But it's not like they're going to do any worse than the rating system already does.
The line between G and PG seems very arbitrary. A comparison I think I've made before is between a movie like The Lion King, and a movie like Over the Hedge. One deals with regicide, family betrayal, and a villain with a scene reminiscent of Nazi Germany. The other deals with animals stealing food in the suburbs, and evil exterminator, and a bear who wants it's food back by the end of winter. Now you tell me which should be G and which should be PG. And don't even get me started on Ben-Hur, or any number of older movies.
Then there's the R rating, which is most of what the article deals with. It encompasses everything from violence to sex to torture to nudity. Honestly, with what I've seen in R, I can't figure out how NC-17 is necessary.
My sophomore year in high school I illegally went to see an R rated movie. While I still would have gone to see it without parental guidance had I known it was R, I honestly thought that it was PG-13. There was no sex, nudity, or torture. There was some violence, but it was pretty much what you could see on televison at any time (although way cooler looking). The movie was The Matrix, and I was amazed to find out that it was rated R. I still am. How a movie like that, and slasher/torture movies like Saw and Hostel can be rated the same thing, I have no idea.
So I have to agree with the writer of the article; it seems like a good idea to get rid of all ratings, and provide detailed information for parents that actually want to enforce what their kids see. Of course, there are parents out there who take their 4 year olds to see The Two Towers, so there are definitely parents out there who lack the decision making capabilities to moniter what their kids watch. But it's not like they're going to do any worse than the rating system already does.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Time to catch up on a few things I've been meaning to talk about lately.
First of all, Rachel finally took the previous personality quiz, and I have her results.
Rachel: Jessie; Screech
I find it interesting that both of us scored a 5 for Jessie, but we only answer 2 questions the same.
It would seem like the summertime is the time that all good workers go on strike. As I drive by The Marketplace there are no less than three groups of people with a sign saying, "Shame on so-and-so" for a labor dispute. Then there's another one on Stockdale at BCHS saying, "Shame on Bakersfield Christian High School," for their labor dispute. I've always found strikes interesting. They make Keynesian economics necessary. Well, it's more labor unions that make it necessary, but strikes go along with unions.
Summertime is also the time for watching movies about strikes. I watched Modern Times today (since it's on both Top Films lists), and when I was at Buena Vista the music teachers was showing Newsies during the last music session of the year. As I walked in waiting for the time to end, he smugly looked at me and asked, "Do you know who that is?" Obviously I knew who it was, and said so, but I think he must have thought I said no, since he said, "It's Cristian Bale. He was in Batman."
I thought like responding with some other movies he's also been in to prove my movie knowledge, but decided that I didn't need to win that battle. I'm secure in my movie knowledge.
First of all, Rachel finally took the previous personality quiz, and I have her results.
Rachel: Jessie; Screech
I find it interesting that both of us scored a 5 for Jessie, but we only answer 2 questions the same.
It would seem like the summertime is the time that all good workers go on strike. As I drive by The Marketplace there are no less than three groups of people with a sign saying, "Shame on so-and-so" for a labor dispute. Then there's another one on Stockdale at BCHS saying, "Shame on Bakersfield Christian High School," for their labor dispute. I've always found strikes interesting. They make Keynesian economics necessary. Well, it's more labor unions that make it necessary, but strikes go along with unions.
Summertime is also the time for watching movies about strikes. I watched Modern Times today (since it's on both Top Films lists), and when I was at Buena Vista the music teachers was showing Newsies during the last music session of the year. As I walked in waiting for the time to end, he smugly looked at me and asked, "Do you know who that is?" Obviously I knew who it was, and said so, but I think he must have thought I said no, since he said, "It's Cristian Bale. He was in Batman."
I thought like responding with some other movies he's also been in to prove my movie knowledge, but decided that I didn't need to win that battle. I'm secure in my movie knowledge.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Oh goodie, something new and different for us.
No, I really don't get tired of quoting from 10 Things I Hate About You. And it's usually so applicable.
One of the best things about the summer is that AFI releases their new list in June. Now, I've come into knowledge of AFI fairly recently, so I have only gotten to see three of the lists on television, but all have been very fun and entertaining. Even the preparation for the lists is fun because I get to add a chunk to my spreadsheet, which I haven't really had a reason to do since last year's lists.
Anyways, this year is different because they've decided to redo the top films list instead of releasing a new one. So here are some of my hopes for this new list when it is released tomorrow night (8:00 PM).
Despite my extensive knowledge of superheroes, I have only read one comic before (and it was Marvel, not DC!). I decided to do a little bit of research before I bought any, and both 1602 and V are highly touted by critics and readers alike. But since both of those are graphic novels, meaning they are contained in one book, I also wanted to get something that was also released in comic form. So I did some research and found out that an up and coming favorite author of mine did a lot of comic work which has also been lauded by critics, so I decided to get the first book of his (where they combine like 10 or so of the comics into a single book) of Neil Gaiman's Sandman.
I blazed through 1602 (and gained a new appreciated for Marvel, which I'll talk about at a later date), and had to force myself to slow down and really enjoy the art (which is amazing). I'm having a bit more trouble with Sandman. Although I love the story, the art isn't really to my liking. It's a bit too gothic for my tastes. But I hear that Gaiman doesn't really find his voice until the second book, so I think I'll give it time. V is good, but since I already know the story, I don't feel the pressing need to find out what happens next, so I'm taking my time with it.
The funny thing is that only one of the three is about superheroes, and it's not even about my favorite ones. I think I'm either going to have to get some Superman books (I'm thinking about starting with The Death of Superman), or some Justice League ones. Maybe I'll do that after I finish with these three.
One of the best things about the summer is that AFI releases their new list in June. Now, I've come into knowledge of AFI fairly recently, so I have only gotten to see three of the lists on television, but all have been very fun and entertaining. Even the preparation for the lists is fun because I get to add a chunk to my spreadsheet, which I haven't really had a reason to do since last year's lists.
Anyways, this year is different because they've decided to redo the top films list instead of releasing a new one. So here are some of my hopes for this new list when it is released tomorrow night (8:00 PM).
- That my percentage doesn't go down. I'm currently at 75%, and that had better not go down.
- That Citizen Kane is no longer in the top spot.
- That Gone with the Wind goes down and Star Wars goes up.
- That one Lord of the Rings movie makes it on the list.
Despite my extensive knowledge of superheroes, I have only read one comic before (and it was Marvel, not DC!). I decided to do a little bit of research before I bought any, and both 1602 and V are highly touted by critics and readers alike. But since both of those are graphic novels, meaning they are contained in one book, I also wanted to get something that was also released in comic form. So I did some research and found out that an up and coming favorite author of mine did a lot of comic work which has also been lauded by critics, so I decided to get the first book of his (where they combine like 10 or so of the comics into a single book) of Neil Gaiman's Sandman.
I blazed through 1602 (and gained a new appreciated for Marvel, which I'll talk about at a later date), and had to force myself to slow down and really enjoy the art (which is amazing). I'm having a bit more trouble with Sandman. Although I love the story, the art isn't really to my liking. It's a bit too gothic for my tastes. But I hear that Gaiman doesn't really find his voice until the second book, so I think I'll give it time. V is good, but since I already know the story, I don't feel the pressing need to find out what happens next, so I'm taking my time with it.
The funny thing is that only one of the three is about superheroes, and it's not even about my favorite ones. I think I'm either going to have to get some Superman books (I'm thinking about starting with The Death of Superman), or some Justice League ones. Maybe I'll do that after I finish with these three.
Monday, June 18, 2007
If the teacher pops a test I know I'm in a mess
Okay, I've finally gotten around to posting the results of the first personality quiz. Sorry for the delay, but just think, now there's less time until the next one (assuming I get it out on time). Anyways, I chose the tv show Saved by the Bell, because I'm pretty sure everybody watched it, and you all probably expected me to choose something like Veronica Mars or Arrested Development.
I have to include the little snipit before the quiz because it's trivia, and I love trivia. "This sitcom, salvaged from a failed Disney Channel series titled Good Morning, Miss Bliss, centered around a group of Students at Bayside High School, in Palisades, California."
So, there are an option of 5 characters and I'm going to include who each person is most and least like, and any ties that there are. Bold is most like, italics is least like.
Slater - Your predatory ways and aggressive mind-set make you an innate alpha dog. And sure, you've got the strength and speed of a natural-born jock. But don't let that tough exterior fool anyone. You're a puppy god on the inside, especially when it comes to love.
Kelly - You appreciate the finer things in life, and if one of those things happens to be reflected in the mirror, so be it. Some may think being cute, popular, and perfect must have its drawbacks, but who has time to even worry about what those drawbacks are?
Zack - People think things come easily to you, but all that scheming takes a lot of work. You've got some scam or prank brewing at any given moment, and it usually revolves around getting a date for Saturday night. Wipe that devilish grin off your face.
Screech - You're a little nerdy, sure, but you wear it as a badge of honor, managing to keep things light and breezy. In fact some might say that your eccentricities make you all the more fun. You march to the beat of your own drummer and let your freak flag fly.
Jessie - You are strong, you are invincible. Free of society's constraints, you know who you are and have no problem taking a stand for what you believe in. You battle the patriarchy, you fight for the environment, and you stand up for the little guy no matter what. Anyone got a problem with that?
Becca: Jessie; Slater, Kelly
Carly: Zack, Screech; Jessie
Rob: Slater; Kelly
Jessica: Screech, Jessie; Slater, Kelly
Chris: Zack, Jessie; Slater, Screech
I could include scores, but that's really just too much effort. If you want more details, let me know, and I might provide them.
And look Friday for the new quiz!
I have to include the little snipit before the quiz because it's trivia, and I love trivia. "This sitcom, salvaged from a failed Disney Channel series titled Good Morning, Miss Bliss, centered around a group of Students at Bayside High School, in Palisades, California."
So, there are an option of 5 characters and I'm going to include who each person is most and least like, and any ties that there are. Bold is most like, italics is least like.
Slater - Your predatory ways and aggressive mind-set make you an innate alpha dog. And sure, you've got the strength and speed of a natural-born jock. But don't let that tough exterior fool anyone. You're a puppy god on the inside, especially when it comes to love.
Kelly - You appreciate the finer things in life, and if one of those things happens to be reflected in the mirror, so be it. Some may think being cute, popular, and perfect must have its drawbacks, but who has time to even worry about what those drawbacks are?
Zack - People think things come easily to you, but all that scheming takes a lot of work. You've got some scam or prank brewing at any given moment, and it usually revolves around getting a date for Saturday night. Wipe that devilish grin off your face.
Screech - You're a little nerdy, sure, but you wear it as a badge of honor, managing to keep things light and breezy. In fact some might say that your eccentricities make you all the more fun. You march to the beat of your own drummer and let your freak flag fly.
Jessie - You are strong, you are invincible. Free of society's constraints, you know who you are and have no problem taking a stand for what you believe in. You battle the patriarchy, you fight for the environment, and you stand up for the little guy no matter what. Anyone got a problem with that?
Becca: Jessie; Slater, Kelly
Carly: Zack, Screech; Jessie
Rob: Slater; Kelly
Jessica: Screech, Jessie; Slater, Kelly
Chris: Zack, Jessie; Slater, Screech
I could include scores, but that's really just too much effort. If you want more details, let me know, and I might provide them.
And look Friday for the new quiz!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Yeah, not going to happen
So I was going to post the results of the personality quiz tonight, but that's just not going to happen. We had my cousins and their spouses over tonight, along with my uncle, and it was mad fun. You have to bear in mind that there are 9 months between my cousin Matt and Billy and me, us and our cousin Jenny, and Jenny and Robby. Add to that the fact that we grew up living about 5 minutes away from each other, and we cause a little bit of trouble in our day. I take that back. We still cause a bit of trouble when we get together.
So the point of this evening was to meet my little cousin once removed (Shea) and actually get to talk to my new cousin (Christine). And to show them how the Jennings play cards. James (Jenny's husband) thought that he had learned how to play Oh Hell, but he really hadn't. I showed them how it's done in the first round (winning by 9 points) and then let some other people have a turn winning in the second round.
It was a great time spent rocking out to music, yelling at one another, and accusing one another of cheating. I think all together we went through two bottles of wine, 18 bottles of beer, and three pitchers of Margaritas (one person didn't have anything to drink since she's now pregnant (and it's not me)). Apparently I missed out on going to Fishlips, but I think I had enough fun to make up for it.
So look for the results tomorrow (which means Rachel has another day to answer the questions, but she probably won't).
So the point of this evening was to meet my little cousin once removed (Shea) and actually get to talk to my new cousin (Christine). And to show them how the Jennings play cards. James (Jenny's husband) thought that he had learned how to play Oh Hell, but he really hadn't. I showed them how it's done in the first round (winning by 9 points) and then let some other people have a turn winning in the second round.
It was a great time spent rocking out to music, yelling at one another, and accusing one another of cheating. I think all together we went through two bottles of wine, 18 bottles of beer, and three pitchers of Margaritas (one person didn't have anything to drink since she's now pregnant (and it's not me)). Apparently I missed out on going to Fishlips, but I think I had enough fun to make up for it.
So look for the results tomorrow (which means Rachel has another day to answer the questions, but she probably won't).
Thursday, June 14, 2007
That's going too far!
A staple of my life might just have come to an end. I might have to boycott reading the Star Wars books. I own just around 80 of these novels, and have read about more than 90% more than two times. But they've done something to heinous that I'm not sure I'll be willing to read them anymore.
So here's a spoiler alert, although I'm pretty sure nobody will care if this is spoiled. Except for perhaps Chris, who shares my love of Star Wars, but you never got into the books, so I'm figuring you'll be okay with it.
Now you all know that I'm generally fine with, and even am glad for, main characters dying. I think it gives us a more emotional attachment to characters if we know the author isn't afraid to knock a couple of them off. Kudos to JK, OSC, Joss Whedon, and various SW authors (to name a few) for doing so. But Karen Traviss, author of Sacrifice has gone too far. I really am contemplating boycotting the rest of the SW series because of what she's done.
Now, I know it's not her fault, and that she's following an outline created by LucasArt bigwigs (stupid George Lucas), but still. Star Wars has already killed off some of it's best characters, first in the movies, and then in the books. Usually it's okay since they provide other interesting characters to fill in the gap. But that's just not possible with this latest death.
When Chewbacca died, I didn't really care, mostly because he has no dialog. His purpose is really just to serve as Han's conscious, so it could be filled with Han losing his way (for a while) and later by Leia. No big deal. Later, they killed of Anakin Solo, and I was much more pissed off, but still got over it because he didn't have much depth, and well, I've always been more interested in his siblings. I'm probably biased because they're twins.
But now, now they've gone and killed the single character who (if I had to) I would claim as my favorite. Of all time. This character is Mara Jade Skywalker. Part of the reason that I'm not okay with this is that Jacen Solo has been come a pain in the butt who I really just don't care to read about. And he seems to be all this recent series is about. It is all about his descent to the dark side, and how it parallels his grandfather's, but I really don't care. We've already seen all that in the newest trilogy of movies, and really, it way too closely parallels his grandfather's. Couldn't they have thought of something new. I guess they considered not killing of the Padme character new.
Of course, I saw this coming, since nobody can really write Mara Jade the way that Timothy Zahn can, and she has basically been put into the role of being where Luke is and not having much of a plot of her own. She has become redundant. So she could die and it won't ruin anything, but will serve as a catalyst for Ben (her son) to get really pissed off and defeat Jacen.
But I don't care! Kill Luke instead! They didn't even have the decency to let Zahn write her death, they gave it to some author nobody's even heard of. Stupid George Lucas. I see this being the end of Luke, eventually, which will be nice, but that might just be the end of the whole series. Even though there are enough of the second generation to make things interesting, but sadly, the authors only use the younger generation for filler when they need it. And really, since I know nobody is interested, or probably even read this, I'm going to stop. But I still haven't decided if I'm going to keep reading the books.
So here's a spoiler alert, although I'm pretty sure nobody will care if this is spoiled. Except for perhaps Chris, who shares my love of Star Wars, but you never got into the books, so I'm figuring you'll be okay with it.
Now you all know that I'm generally fine with, and even am glad for, main characters dying. I think it gives us a more emotional attachment to characters if we know the author isn't afraid to knock a couple of them off. Kudos to JK, OSC, Joss Whedon, and various SW authors (to name a few) for doing so. But Karen Traviss, author of Sacrifice has gone too far. I really am contemplating boycotting the rest of the SW series because of what she's done.
Now, I know it's not her fault, and that she's following an outline created by LucasArt bigwigs (stupid George Lucas), but still. Star Wars has already killed off some of it's best characters, first in the movies, and then in the books. Usually it's okay since they provide other interesting characters to fill in the gap. But that's just not possible with this latest death.
When Chewbacca died, I didn't really care, mostly because he has no dialog. His purpose is really just to serve as Han's conscious, so it could be filled with Han losing his way (for a while) and later by Leia. No big deal. Later, they killed of Anakin Solo, and I was much more pissed off, but still got over it because he didn't have much depth, and well, I've always been more interested in his siblings. I'm probably biased because they're twins.
But now, now they've gone and killed the single character who (if I had to) I would claim as my favorite. Of all time. This character is Mara Jade Skywalker. Part of the reason that I'm not okay with this is that Jacen Solo has been come a pain in the butt who I really just don't care to read about. And he seems to be all this recent series is about. It is all about his descent to the dark side, and how it parallels his grandfather's, but I really don't care. We've already seen all that in the newest trilogy of movies, and really, it way too closely parallels his grandfather's. Couldn't they have thought of something new. I guess they considered not killing of the Padme character new.
Of course, I saw this coming, since nobody can really write Mara Jade the way that Timothy Zahn can, and she has basically been put into the role of being where Luke is and not having much of a plot of her own. She has become redundant. So she could die and it won't ruin anything, but will serve as a catalyst for Ben (her son) to get really pissed off and defeat Jacen.
But I don't care! Kill Luke instead! They didn't even have the decency to let Zahn write her death, they gave it to some author nobody's even heard of. Stupid George Lucas. I see this being the end of Luke, eventually, which will be nice, but that might just be the end of the whole series. Even though there are enough of the second generation to make things interesting, but sadly, the authors only use the younger generation for filler when they need it. And really, since I know nobody is interested, or probably even read this, I'm going to stop. But I still haven't decided if I'm going to keep reading the books.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Who are the 4400?

Granted, it's a bit late, but I'm not ready to post this month's tv/movie on DVD. Last month I picked a random television show that I've heard good things about to try out, but this month I'm going to talk about a show that I already own, but which more people need to watch. The show is USA's The 4400.
The first thing you have to get past is the fact that this show is considered to be science fiction. Actually, I think it should be considered more fantasy, but that isn't much better for most people. The thing about sci-fi is that there's good and there's bad. The bad sci-fi is what most people picture - bad B movies with creatures from outer space invading and horrible special effects.
This show (and many others out there that people are biased against) is good science fiction. The special effects are seemlessly inserted, and there are actually very few special effects needed, because the show is set today, with no other technology than what we have right now. Where the sci-fi comes in is that there people appear in a ball of light from space. Yes, that's sort of weird, and yes, some of them have special powers, but that is not what the show is about, it's merely a catalyst for what happens. The show is about how the core group of characters (some 4400, some not) manage to rebuild their lives after the ball of light, and how other people make them outcasts and are scared of the 4400. The two main characters aren't even 4400, but are Homeland Security agents who are tasked with helping the 4400's to readjust to society.
It's a very well done show, with lots of interesting characters (and not just because of their abilities). The first season is only 5 episodes long (the first one is two hours long), but it's packed with action, and the two later season improve on the preceding ones. Which I'm hoping means good things this summer, since it's a summer series on USA.
So borrow it, watch it, and beg the current seasons episodes off of me when you catch up. It's that good. Oh yeah. New episodes start Sunday, June 17 at 9 PM.
Friday, June 08, 2007
It's that time of the month...
While I should probably be putting up my movie/tv show of the month, instead I'm going to start another monthly trend, although I'll probably end up making it a twice a month thing. I got a book of Who's Your TV Alter Ego today, so I'm going to be putting up some of the questions. Comment your answers, and in about a week I'll put up all the results. And if you don't answer, I'll just have to answer for you, and you won't be able to complain about who you are.
Oh, and I'm not going to tell you which show I've picked until after you've answered.
Note: When answering the questions, don't pick your favorite of the possible answers, pick what best suits you. And if there's two that are equally true, you can pick more than one answer for each question. Just don't do it often, because it makes work for me.
1. If you were a bird, you'd be..
a) toucan
b) swan
c) flamingo
d) cardinal
e) hawk
2. If you were a Dr. Seuss character, you'd be...
a) Yertle the Turtle
b) the Cat in the Hat
c) Sam-I-Am
d) the Lorax
e) the Sneeches
3. If you were sold at a bake sale, you'd be...
a) brownies
b) Rice Krispies Treats
c) oatmeal raisin cookies
d) cupcakes
e) sponge cake
4. If you were a piece of jewelry, you'd be a...
a) stud earring
b) shell necklace
c) rubber bracelet
d) rope anklet
e) diamond tiara
5. If you were a piece of furniture, you'd be a...
a) desk
b) vanity
c) chest of drawers
d) lamp
e) love seat
6. If you were a school supply, you'd be a
a) protractor
b) pencil sharpener
c) ruler
d) magic marker
e) eraser
7. If you were a Tom Cruise movie, you'd be...
a) Risky Business
b) Top Gun
c) A Few Good Men
d) Jerry Maguire
e) Rain Man
8. If you were a breakfast beverage, you'd be...
a) orange juice
b) coffee
c) grapefruit juice
d) tea
e) a Bloody Mary
9. If you were a Monopoly piece, you'd be...
a) wheelbarrow
b) thimble
c) Scottie
d) top hat
e) race car
10. If you were a synonym for the word "saved," you'd be...
a) "hoarded"
b) "liberated"
c) "converted"
d) "treasured"
e) "helped"
Oh, and I'm not going to tell you which show I've picked until after you've answered.
Note: When answering the questions, don't pick your favorite of the possible answers, pick what best suits you. And if there's two that are equally true, you can pick more than one answer for each question. Just don't do it often, because it makes work for me.
1. If you were a bird, you'd be..
a) toucan
b) swan
c) flamingo
d) cardinal
e) hawk
2. If you were a Dr. Seuss character, you'd be...
a) Yertle the Turtle
b) the Cat in the Hat
c) Sam-I-Am
d) the Lorax
e) the Sneeches
3. If you were sold at a bake sale, you'd be...
a) brownies
b) Rice Krispies Treats
c) oatmeal raisin cookies
d) cupcakes
e) sponge cake
4. If you were a piece of jewelry, you'd be a...
a) stud earring
b) shell necklace
c) rubber bracelet
d) rope anklet
e) diamond tiara
5. If you were a piece of furniture, you'd be a...
a) desk
b) vanity
c) chest of drawers
d) lamp
e) love seat
6. If you were a school supply, you'd be a
a) protractor
b) pencil sharpener
c) ruler
d) magic marker
e) eraser
7. If you were a Tom Cruise movie, you'd be...
a) Risky Business
b) Top Gun
c) A Few Good Men
d) Jerry Maguire
e) Rain Man
8. If you were a breakfast beverage, you'd be...
a) orange juice
b) coffee
c) grapefruit juice
d) tea
e) a Bloody Mary
9. If you were a Monopoly piece, you'd be...
a) wheelbarrow
b) thimble
c) Scottie
d) top hat
e) race car
10. If you were a synonym for the word "saved," you'd be...
a) "hoarded"
b) "liberated"
c) "converted"
d) "treasured"
e) "helped"
They're getting younger and younger
I heard an advertisement on the radio for a dance studio, and they accept children aged 18 months and up. Can infants who are a year and a half old really be coordinated enough to dance, let alone follow instructions and comprehend what to do? Now, granted, I don't know much about little kids (don't make me deal with them until they're at least 2.5), but you had asked me, I wouldn't have even been sure that 18 month olds could walk, let alone dance.
It does remind me of a scene in the Gilmore Girls' pilot. I'd describe it to you, but I really can't do it justice, so you'll have to watch it for yourself.
It does remind me of a scene in the Gilmore Girls' pilot. I'd describe it to you, but I really can't do it justice, so you'll have to watch it for yourself.
Friday, June 01, 2007
EOM adjustments
My two week adventure with third graders is now over, and I must say, getting paid to show kids movies and teach them oragami isn't such a bad thing. I ended up showing them two classic films and one not-so-classic film, and taught them about the legend that is Robin Hood (full with Norman/Saxon oppression and all!). I have plenty of tidbits to relate, but that will have to wait until I get back from Yosemite.
Every year my family goes with about 10 other families for a weekend vacation in Yosemite, right around Memorial Day. The conversations are generally very interesting (they tend to focus around education since over the years almost every single adult has become a teacher), and while the kids are mostly younger than me, I grew up with most of the, so it's okay.
I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about that too, once I get back, especially since I'm going to have to put up with Robby all weekend. Thank goodness for Soren, that's all I can say. Also, when I get back I'll have my latest DVD/TV show that I think everybody should watch this month. I bet you're really looking forward to that.
Every year my family goes with about 10 other families for a weekend vacation in Yosemite, right around Memorial Day. The conversations are generally very interesting (they tend to focus around education since over the years almost every single adult has become a teacher), and while the kids are mostly younger than me, I grew up with most of the, so it's okay.
I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about that too, once I get back, especially since I'm going to have to put up with Robby all weekend. Thank goodness for Soren, that's all I can say. Also, when I get back I'll have my latest DVD/TV show that I think everybody should watch this month. I bet you're really looking forward to that.
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