Saturday, March 31, 2007

Deep Thoughts

I'm completely amazed that they haven't tried to remake The Sound of Music yet. Actually, that seems to be the one thing in Hollywood that is safe from remakes - musicals.

It's a very interesting experience to go drinking with your father and his crazy friends from teacher school.

I'm worried for the youth of today if the people I just went drinking with are going to be tomorrow's teachers.

Freshmen are stupid. And very funny.

Horsism is very true - school makes you dumber.

Some people can't hold their liquer. And it's very entertaining when they can't.

Monday, March 26, 2007

A bee story of my very own!

After playing soccer at BHS today, I went over to where my shoes were, and there was a bee crawling on my laces. I'm not really scared of bees, so I merely flicked it off and proceeded to change shoes.

So I walked to my car and decided that on the way home, I would check to make sure that there was going to be something for dinner, so I decided to call home. Nobody answered, so I called my dad's cell and my brother's cell, but neither of them answered. Now, I know some of you drive a stick, so you'll know that it's fairly difficult to drive, dial on a cell phone, and drink a soda at the same time, but what can I say except I'm talented.

However, during my third call, I look over at my window, and I see a bee crawling on the very top. I know there's no way that I can try to flick it off while I'm drinking and talking on the phone, so I put my soda down so that I can unroll the window, hoping that it will take it's chance for freedom and fly away.

Alas, it decided to crawl down the window, so now I'm dealing with a bee that I can't flick out. I end my phone call, but now I have to wait for a light because it seems the bee is scared to jump out of a moving vehicle. Unluckily for me, though, I went through like four green lights down California. So I'm driving, trying to watch the road, and also trying to watch the bee to make sure it doesn't attack me. Luckily a light finally turned yellow, and although I usually would have gone through it, I stopped and flicked the bee outside. I think I angered the person behind me, though, because they promptly got out to the side and passed me.

So while I didn't get to attack it with a pan, I do have my very own bee story. I should turn it into a movie and call it Bee Movie! Oh wait, I'm too late.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Ode to a name

Henceforth, ye shall be called Sebastian,
And loud shall be the sound of your processing!
Games shall come forth in great abundance,
And loud shall be the sound thereof!

Great battles will be fought,
Great fortunes will be lost,
But evermore shall ye perform,
never failing!

So yeah, I finally decided on a name (Sebastian), and decided to write 0.01% of the epic poem of Sebastian.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Green and Gold plus a little Driller Blue

I had a softball tournament this weekend. Now, going in to the tournament, I didn't have very high expectations, mostly because I have no idea what a good Frosh Soph team will play like, so I can't judge how good my team currently is.

Apparently I do know what a good team plays like, because my team plays like one. We got 2nd place in the tournament, and only lost to Frontier, who has a better pitcher than is on our JV team. (They don't have a Varsity team, so basically everybody is moved down one team). After an okay game on Friday we brought our A game on Saturday and schooled some schools that needed it.

Seems like a little blue goes a long way.

Friday, March 09, 2007


Today, my team of little freshmen (and some sophomores) beat BHS. Now, I never really cared about BHS softball (even when I was playing I wanted to win, but wasn't all that upset if we lost, unlike in softball), but there's still the Driller in me that wants to win at every sport we play. Soccer is a different story, obviously.

Still, I almost feel like a traitor to myself being glad that West beat BHS at anything.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Doncha Wish (that your favorite TV shows stayed on air?)

I find it horribly ironic that after saying this, Veronica Mars was replaced this past week by show "Doncha Wish You Were A Pussycat Doll," or whatever the hell they decided to name that horrible show.

Not only that, but now that Studio 60 has gone off for who knows how long, it seems that VM is also taking a break, as is Heroes. I guess that means that March is going to have me either watching a lot of movies, reading a lot of books, or playing a lot of video games.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

A moment of silence

Manny as he was is officially gone. He got a brain transplant, and now is back good as new! Of course, this means that I have to try and remember where all my install cds are for all the programs I had on Manny, but that's okay.

So, my new computer needs a new name. What should it be? Any suggestions?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Mustn't get excited...

I keep telling myself that I will be disappointed in the end and that I can't get my hopes up, but I really can't help it.

It's official. There's a date and everything.