Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Further Misadventures

So, a couple weeks ago it was Rachel's birthday, and since Chris was in town, we were over at his house. Rachel complained that she was bored on her birthday, which isn't allowed, so we decided to go try to find a game to play. Well, this was at 9 pm, so there weren't too many stores open at that hour. We tried Toys R Us, but that was closed, so we asked Rachel is there was anything she wanted to do. Frist bowling was mentioned, but then Rachel told us that there was this "seedy" pool hall near her house that she's always wanted to check out, so we decided to go there. We played two rounds of pool (I won both!) and then had to leave because the smoke was making me sick (yes there was somebody smoking inside). After that, for some reason Rachel suggested that we stop at Kinko's and make copies of stuff. Well we get there an one of her friends was there doing something, so Rachel wandered off to talk to her, while Chris and I was the little kids table and began coloring.

My picture was called "Hi Mo" (which is funny and will come up during a later post), and I don't remember what Chris named his. Anyways, after this we decided to go to Barnes and Noble because both Rachel and I are obsessed with books, and its open until 11. There Chris bought the game that had started the whole adventure (Apples to Apples, which is an awesome game) and we returned to his house to play.

Thus ends the Further Misadventures of Becca and Chris (and Rachel), which will be continuted tomorrow with a recounting of the trip to Cambria and my foray (how do you spell that word) into wine tasting.

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