Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Up and Running

So I finally got around to putting the weblog part of my (other) website functioning again, which means that this site can go back to its original purpose.

Is there ever a time when an ethical person will have to act against their morals? I think that there us, but only in a sense. Soren calls it the teleological suspension of the ethical, from the greek work telos, which means purpose, sort of. Really, its just Aristotealian ethics, in a different form, and spelled out a little bit better.

Well, I don't really have time to go into more depth about what I've been thinking about this, but you can leave comments, and I'll probably write more later.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Que lastima!

Let's take a minute and feel sorry for Chris who became a "real adult" today. That is, he started his real job today. I'd say pobrecito, except this does mean he's going to have a more-than-steady income, which is more than I can really say for the rest of us.

In other news, Knights of the Old Republic II rocks.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Note to self

Start going to bed earlier.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I can't sleep, and I know I thought of something witty to put here sometime over the past two days at work, but I can't remember it. Tonight was an awesome night, being that it was the first time in I can't remember how long that the entire group got to hang out. And who knows how long it will be until the next time.

Our house looks weird because the carpets are getting cleaned tomorrow and that means all furniture must be on non-carpted surfaces. Its amazing how you don't notice something until you have something else to compare it to. Like you can't really notice how bad dirty carpets are until you have an unblemished part to compare it to. I guess that's kind of like life, where you don't realize how un-green your grass is until you see your neighbor's lush lawn and can compare the two. Or at least what you percieve as lush.

Using that train of thought as a spring board, lately I've been thinking a lot about distinction. A lot of philosopher talk about distinction, especially as pertains to universals and language. A lot of people will argue that you can't describe something except by pointing out what it isn't. Some people will actually say that is the only way you can percieve the world. By making distinctions through colors and shapes.

Anyways, thinking about distinctions lead me to think about universals as the pertain to humans. What exactly is in human nature, and what about nature is different between men and women, yound and old, and even just between individual people (stupid feminists, making me take some of what they say seriously!). Ockham says, "There is no distinction without a difference," which makes me think if there can ever be a difference without a distinction. I think distinction is the cause of social injustice (ie racism and sexism and other isms), but does that mean that any differences is necessarily going to cause injustice. I think of Harrison Buegeron (not sure about the spelling), and how they tried to solve social injustice by getting rid of all differences. But its not the differences, its the percieved difference that these differences make to other people. If differences didn't matter, in other words if differences didn't cause distinctions, there wouldn't be a problem.

Just so you know, yes stuff like this is what occupies my mind at 2 in the morning while I try to sleep. As I said to Amy earlier this evening, "My mind has a mind of its own when its left to its own devices, and its scary what it can come up with." And now I've shared some of that with you. Thus endeth the rant.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Way too much fun

So if there is such a thing as too much fun, I think I passed the threshold this past week. Not only did I spend four days at the beach, but afterwards, Heidi was still in town for two days, so Chris and I had to show her the town. Last night we went to play pool (I know, random), which was fun because there were six of us and we just goofed around. Patrick, who was on my team, had to continuously remind me that I was supposed to be trying to win, but then would proceed to mess me up by talking right when I'm hitting the ball.

So tonight, which is traditionally the night you go out and have fun, I decided to stay in because I reached my fun quota for the week. Also, almost everybody was busy and couldn't do stuff. Anyone that wants to should check out my other site, because I've been adding some stuff to it recently, most noticeably, on the quotes page. Most of the new ones are from Cambria, and they're pretty funny.

In other news, almost all the lifeguards at the pool like country music, so its usually on the radio. Now, today I was at work for four hours, and during that time, I heard four songs twice. You would think that there are enough songs so that the station doesn't have to repeat itself that often. I think that is the reason that I don't like country music. Every station repeats itself about that often, some more often. For the most part, non-country stations aren't like that.

And now that I'm done with my rant, I bid you adieu (is that how you spell it?).

PS Leave a comment! I've been commentless lately!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Good times

So I just got back from half a week at Cambria with friends. It was amazing. I really don't have to say more about the week than that, because amazing really sums up the week. I might say more later, we'll see.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

First day

So the pool opens today, which is good because I'll start to get a little money, but bad because its only a little. I really should find a "real" job so that I can actually start to be able to have a savings account. That would be smart, but I probably won't do it. Go me.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Definately a nerd

I just spend about an hour playing on a philosophy website. I was taking quizes and polls and other stuff like that. I'm so proud of being a nerd. And I beat the computer when it came to philosophy know-how! Go me!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Last night was awesome. First, I went out to dinner with some friends, which rocked. We had a blast. Then, we played some three-on-three frisbee, which equally rocked. My team won! Woohoo! Then a bunch of people went over to Chris' house to play Apples to Apples. I think we had nine people playing, which made for some interesting rounds. I've learned that I have to stop playing intelligent cards when I play, because if I have to explain my card, I usually don't win.

I've decided to try to start leaving shotrter posts, because then I think I'll post more often. So we'll see how that goes.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Educational Television

I just spent the night at Chris' house, and we ended up watching an educational tv show that was very entertaining. When we caught it, they were talking about properties, to which I replied, "Its Aristotle!" No sooner did I say this then their expert says, "In the 5th century BC Aristotle..." Then they talked about the different states of matter, which Chris throughly enjoyed, having taken way too many science classes. Somehow by the end of the program, they ended up talking about plasma and fusion power.

But the best part of the show was when they had little kids talk about gases, solids, and liquids and ways you distinguish them from one another. Chris almost had a fit because he wanted to answer for them. It was funny.

All in all, it was an entertaining night that made both of us feel smart and learned and everything.

Friday, June 03, 2005


So I've done nothing all week and have loved every minute of it. Or, I guess I should say nothing productive, because I've done plenty of stuff, like seeing Episode III for the second time, and playing softball (we rocked!). I also watched a bunch of Scrubs episodes with Rob and Chris, which was hilarious.

Last night I dreamed that there was a watermelon patch at the Beach Park, but when I was trying to take one home, my car broke down. It was interesting.

I've been playing SimCity lately, which is fun, but I think that last night I was dreaming about remaking Bakersfield to have higher land value and better zoning. Which wouldn't be a bad thing.