Sunday, October 09, 2005

Weekend update

Well, I haven't done much this weekend. Actually, I did a lot, but none of it was really interesting. This weekend was the Business Conference, so AYSO games were all canceled, well at least the ones at Cal State. Did this mean time off for Becca? Of course not. What this meant was that I could get out to Hart Park earlier to ref more games. Luckily I only had three, instead of the four he was sort of threatening me with. Then I came home and collapsed into bed, which was nice.

Sunday is soccer day, with two games after church. I can always expect to lose the first one (its a co-ed game and almost all of my team has never played competitivly before), and win the second one (its a women's game, and almost all of my team has played in college). This week was true to form. Then afterwards I went to church.

Frequently throughout Sunday, I'll be at my computer, checking for scores. NFL scores, to be exact. It looks like this week I might win, which is awesome. That'll take me to 2-3. Unfortunately, my first three games, I played tough opponents, and my key players didn't produce how they should have. That's changed these past two weeks, which is good, so I have high hopes for the rest of the season. I'd say right now in the standings, I'm in the upper middle of the pack, which is a good place to be, because people aren't gunning for me, could underestimate me, and I'm still in the running.

Plus, football has given me a chance to brush up on my excel skills, which I never really had to use in school. So don't ever say that fantasy football is worthless.

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