Monday, November 28, 2005

Trying to enjoy a day

The reason I asked the question in the previous post is that I really don't like Thanksgiving very much. I don't think I ever have. Part of the reason is that I don't enjoy stuffing myself silly, and don't particularly like most of the traditional food of Thanksgiving. Turkey and gravy? No thanks.

Some people say that Thanksgiving is a day that you remember what you're thankful for. I think that's stupid. I rememeber almost every day what I'm thankful for. When you go around a table and everybody says what they're thankful for all the answers are so lame and cliche. I guess I don't think there should need to be a day where you're reminded to be thankful for what you have, you should just be thankful.

So, needless to say, when I wrote that post I wasn't in a very Thanksgiving mood (I don't think I was at any point that day), and just thought I'd say something. Maybe I should watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, or whatever it's called.

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