Friday, June 16, 2006


McDonald's apparently likes to make policy. They have three policies: the drink policy, the sauce policy, and the eating policy. I will explain each below.

The Drink Policy
Apparently, it is unhealty to bring a used McDonalds cup back into a restaurant, especially the large 44 oz cups. It says so right on the door. It's because of saftey issues that they won't allow you to bring one back in, not because they don't want to get cheated out of your 74 cents.

The Sauce Policy
When you buy a 6 piece chickenish thing you are entitled to one (1) package of dipping sauce. If you need another one, you will be required to pay for it. A whole 10 cents.

The Eating Policy
This one is my favorite. When you buy a meal at McDonalds, you are entitled to sitting down for at most 30 minutes to eat it. No more. If you loiter there longer, you will be asked to leave. Apparently they think you might be a bomb. Or you'll disrupt other guests.

The Eating Policy is my favorite, and so far I've broken it three times this week. I've also developed my own policy for McDonalds. It's called the Becca Policy.

The Becca Policy
Snack size yogurt thingy + medium french fries + lots of Poweraid = a happy Becca

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