Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I've felt like it should already be the end of the week (or the end of next week) for some reason lately. Today I had to convince myself that it wasn't actually Thursday, and also that it wasn't the 4th of July in a couple days. I don't know what caused this time misconception, but I think it has something to do with the action packed couple of days I've had lately.

But at least now it's almost officially the end of the week (only a day to go until Thursday!) and by the time Thursday rolls around, it's almost Friday, and that's almost the weekend. And, yes, I do live my life currently by thinking of what my current situation is close to, and what the close to think is close to. And no, I'm not sad and pathetic, however it may sound.

Soon is the start of people leaving Bakersfield for bigger and better things as Amy goes off for her adventures in Peru Thursday. She will be followed soon after by Jessica and Rachel, and then things will be sad, since I will have a much smaller number of people with whom to distract myself here in Bakersfield. It might, however, mean an end to my self inflicted motto of "Who needs sleep?" though. Probably not, seeing how I'll more than likely drown my sorrows in movies.

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