Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I love the Fall. I think I've probably posted about why I love it every year that I've had a blog, and this year won't be different. This year it has even started cooling off earlier than usual, so I can celebrate the Fall earlier than usual. Of course, the great thing about the Fall is soccer, and that's already started. Plus, there's Halloween, which is one of the best holidays. Now I just have to decide what I'm going to be. I'm thinking pirate, but could change my mind. I know I'm asking for it, but any suggestions?

The other great thing about the Fall is that TV starts up again. Personally, I much prefer to watch TV on DVD, but there is something fun about when all the season and series primeres are going on. It's just fun to wonder which ones are going to make it, and which won't. I also love guessing where the shows I watch are going to go. I usually give a couple new shows a chance, but most end up completely disappointing. The ones getting the green light this year are Studio 60 (I saw the pilot, but forgot this week, I'll have to catch it later) and Runaway. Both seem interesting, and a new take on perviously tried forumlas. Add to this Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, and perhaps one other, and I have a full week.

Maybe I'll even manage to get things done this Fall other than watching TV and playing or coaching soccer. But I doubt it.

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