Saturday, January 20, 2007

Just too... pink.

Rachel knows what that's a quote from, and it was doubly applicable today. Not only did we have pink lemonade at the baby shower today, but everything that was there was pink. It was horrible. Pink bags, pink clothes, pink candles - everything was pink. Even the bag my mom gave me for the books Jessica and I gave Beet was pink. But I guess you have to expect that when it's going to be a little girl. I just hope my cousin has a boy so that I don't have to put up with all that pink again in a long, long while.

Oh, and the quote is from The Sound of Music, which is now triply applicable because we watched The Americanization of Emily earlier this week. This was the week of movies because Chris and I watched Cool Hand Luke, The Americanization of Emily, and Reefer Madness all this week. My favorite of the three was definitely Reefer Madness. If you haven't seen it, you should. It's a musical and completely off the wall. One of the funniest movies I have seen in a really long time. And it has some amazing actors in it - Kristen Bell, Alan Cummings, and Steven Webber to name a few. In many ways it reminded me a lot of Dogma, although not as gross.

And now I have to read because for some stupid reason I decided to reread all the Wheel of Time books from the beginning, and now I can't put them down, because I want to get to the most recent books. Although I am seeing a ton of little things that I've completely forgotten about. As much as I want to hate Jordan for taking so much freaking time with the plot, I have to admit that he is a master at making everything little thing important and connected in his story. I can't imagine what his outline must have looked like before he even started writing The Eye of the World, but I wouldn't be surprised if he had everything planned out even then. He almost surpasses Tolkien when it comes to that. Almost, but not quite.

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