Thursday, May 17, 2007

I hate the American public

I don't think I can possibly express how much I hate the American public. My hatred of it is so deep seated that I don't think I ever recover. If I was a nicer person, my hatred might have become something like pity, but I'm not, so it's hatred, loathing, and all around disgust.

Why, you might wonder, does sweet Becca have this unreasonable hatred for her culture? Let me lay it out for you in two lists:

  1. Firefly
  2. Veronica Mars
  3. Freaks and Geeks
  4. Brisco County Jr.
  5. Roswell
  6. Firefly
  1. American Idol
  2. Survivor
  3. America's Got Talent
  4. Everybody Loves Raymond
  5. Friends
  6. American's Next Top Model
  7. Every other reality tv show there is
Yes, there is another number on the first list. And I blame it on the American public for liking crap like the things listed on the second list. I also blame it on stupid studios who can't manage to promote anything except crap, and even promotes that poorly. Stupid freaking people. Stupid freaking television companies. Stupid freaking crap tv shows.

Not that I'm bitter or anything.

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