Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Verdict

So, it's been a week, and here are the results for the latest quiz.

Some of you already know, but the show I picked for this week is The Office, since I think most of us have seen at least a couple episodes, and are at least somewhat familiar with the characters. First, the characters and their descriptions:

Dwight: You've always been a little.... different, but that's just because everyone else is too stupid to see what a total genius you are. Arrogant and a total stickler for the rules, you never seem to understand why some people are always avoiding you.

Pam: Easily intimidated and a hopeless romantic, you try to get through life by flying under the radar, but somehow you always end up hitting speed bump after speed bump. You're kind-hearted and also easily intimidated - if only someone would show you the respect you deserve.

Jim: You have so much promise, but you're more than willing to let a defeatist attitude overcome your ambition. Though you have lofty goals and are capable of receiving great praise, you'd just as soon strike a rebellious pose and avoid the grunt work.

Michael: Sometimes it's better to listen than to speak, but that's a lesson you've unfortunately never learned. Often loud and inappropriate and always eager to be a part of the gang, the only time you're the life of the party is when you're by yourself.

Ryan: There are those in life who drive and those who are driven, and you are nothing if not driven. Ambitious and energetic, you are a go-getter who manages to keep his eye on the ball, even as those around you aimlessly wander astray.

And now, the final tally. I've decided to include the score after the highest and lowest characters are listed, because I find the statistics interesting, and I don't care if you don't. Props to Carly for managing to give every character the same score.

Becca: Jim (4); Dwight, Ryan (1)
Carly: Everybody (2)
Chris: Michael, Ryan (3); Dwight, Jim (1)
Jessica: Michael (4); Dwight (0)
Rachel: Dwight, Pam (3); Jim, Michael (1)
Robert: Dwight, Michael (3); Ryan (0)

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