Sunday, July 29, 2007

You threw a knife at my head!

Sorry for the lateness. Busy weekend.

Comment your answers, and in about a week I'll put up all the results. And if you don't answer, I'll just have to answer for you, and you won't be able to complain about who you are.

Oh, and I'm not going to tell you which show I've picked until after you've answered.

Note: When answering the questions, don't pick your favorite of the possible answers, pick what best suits you. And if there's two that are equally true, you can pick more than one answer for each question. Just don't do it often, because it makes work for me. Also, if you don't know all of the options, just go with your gut. It's not necessary to research the answers.

1. If you were a former teen pop star, you'd be...
a) Tiffany
b) Alanis Morissette
c) Donnie Wahlberg
d) Isaac Hanson
e) Brandy

2. If you were a hotel, you'd be a...
a) bed & breakfast
b) boutique hotel
c) single room
d) five-star resort
e) youth hostel

3. If you were a puzzle, you'd be...
a) crossword
b) jigsaw
c) Sukoku
d) Jumble
e) maze

4. If you were a vowel, you'd be...
a) A
b) E
c) I
d) O
e) U

5. If you were a Judy Blume book, you'd be...
a) Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
b) Tales of A Fourth Grade Nothing
c) Superfudge
d) Otherwise Known As Shelia the Great
e) Forever

6. If you were a shade of red, you'd be...
a) crimson
b) magenta
c) mauve
d) scarlet
e) cardinal

7. If you were a track and field event, you'd be...
a) high jump
b) shot put
c) javelin
d) relay
e) hurdle

8. If you were a phobia, you'd be...
a) acrophobia (heights)
b) agoraphobia (public places)
c) coulrophobia (clowns)
d) arachnophobia (spiders)
e) claustrophobia (small spaces)

9. If you were something from which to drink, you'd be...
a) thermos
b) chalice
c) coffee mug
d) water bottle
e) wine glass

10. If you were a section of the newspaper, you'd be...
a) front page
b) science/ technology
c) travel
d) sports
e) letters to the editor


Jess said...

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. E
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. E
10. E

Chris Burzlaff said...

1. c) Donnie Wahlberg
2. a) bed & breakfast
3. b) jigsaw
4. e) U
5. d) Otherwise Known As Shelia the Great
6. e) cardinal
7. b) shot put
8. b) agoraphobia (public places)
9. e) wine glass
10. b) science/ technology & c) travel

Anonymous said...

1. B= alanis
2. B= boutique hotel
3. E= maze
4. E= U
5. B= Tales of 4th grade nada
6. A= crimson
7. C= javelin
8. B= agoraphobia
9. E= wine glass
10. C= travel section


Tim said...

1. c) Donnie Wahlberg
2. d) five-star resort
3. c) Sukoku
4. b) E
5. b) Tales of A Fourth Grade Nothing
6. d) scarlet
7. c) javelin
8. c) coulrophobia (clowns)
9. d) water bottle
10. b) science/ technology