Monday, August 20, 2007

Better late than never

It's been a while. Sorry.

1. If you were a Molotov Cocktail component, you'd be...
a) gasoline
b) bottle
c) rag
d) cork
e) igniter

2. If you were a time of day, you'd be...
a) morning
b) noon
c) evening
d) night
e) late night

3. If you were a breed of dog, you'd be
a) German shepherd
b) poodle
c) mastiff
d) mutt
e) foxhound

4. If you were an amendment to the Constitution, you'd be...
a) Freedom of Speech
b) Right to Bear Arms
c) Right to Avoid Self-Incrimination
d) Due Process and Equal Protection
e) No Unlawful Search and Seizure

5. If you were a kind of tape, you'd be...
a) duct tape
b) cassette tape
c) double-sided tape
d) caution tape
e) red tape

6. If you were a U2 song, you'd be...
a) "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"
b) "Mysterious Ways"
c) "Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of"
d) "I Will Follow"
e) "Beautiful Day"

7. If you were a famous plane crash victim, you'd be...
a) Will Rogers
b) Glenn Miller
c) Patsy Cline
d) Joseph P. Kennedy Jr.
e) Buddy Holly

8. If you were a classic spying technique, you'd be...
a) false flag operations
b) honeypot
c) black bag operations
d) dead drop
e) agent handling

9. If you were something you remove at airport security, you'd be a...
a) belt
b) shoes
c) laptop
d) pocket change
e) cell phone

10. If you were a conspiracy theory, you'd be....
a) the grassy knoll
b) Area 51
c) Elvis sightings
d) Apollo moon-landing hoax
e) Freemasons control the world

Same rules apply. Don't pick what you like the best, but what best describes you. You can pick more than one answer if you'd like. Comment the answers, and check back in a week or so and I'll post the results.


Will said...

1) e.
2) c.
3) e.
4) a.
5) c.
6) a.
7) e.
10) b.

Chris Burzlaff said...

1. a) gasoline
2. c) evening
3. a) German shepherd
4. d) Due Process and Equal Protection
5. a) duct tape
6. e) "Beautiful Day"
7. b) Glenn Miller
8. b) honeypot
9. b) shoes
10. c) Elvis sightings

Jess said...

1. B bottle
2. D night
3. D mutt
4. A freedom of speech
5. B cassette tape
6. D i will follow
7. C patsy cline (and not just because I am a girl)
8. B honeypot
9. C laptop
10. E freemasons controll the world