Friday, August 24, 2007

Family Ties

Most of you don't know this, but there are five of us in the family within about three years. These same five grew up about five minutes away from one another, and always went to the same school. Matt was born in Jan, then Billy and I in October, then Jenny in July, and finally Robby rounds out the group in the next December. Granted, the first four are the closest, but there's no way to exclude Robby. Now both of my cousins are married, and one has a baby while the other is expecting in January. And everybody still lives in Bakersfield.

It's absolutely pandemonium when the whole family gets together. Like tonight.

We always play cards (either poker or Oh Hell), and if the neighbors can't hear us, I'd be amazed. After two bottles of wine (between four people) and margaritas all around, it's amazing that anybody can still try to win (but we're Jennings, so we hold our liquor well).

Tonight was fun because my dad (who had the least to drink) managed to spill a full glass of wine (thankfully white) on me while he was dealing (he was promptly banned from dealing again). And we had a fun rimmer to play with while making the margaritas. Matt and I are always assigned to making the margaritas, which is fun. He rims, while I blend. It works very well, and nobody has ever complained about our concoctions. Matt and I also have the same taste in wine (the only two to like reds), so I know I will never be alone in killing a bottle when he's around. That's a useful thing.

All in all, a very well spent evening. As much as my immediate family may annoy me, my extended family makes everything better. Even if they are getting married and having kids (in no particular order).

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