Thursday, August 09, 2007

For each generation...

The results are right here!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer first aired on March 10, 1997. This cross-genre series from Joss Whedon (my hero!) builds an elaborate mythology around its demon-hunting star and shows the real dangers of trying to make it through high school (and college).

1. People gravitate towards you, making you a born leader, whether it's because of your dedication, honesty, or naturally effervescent personality. Beneath the serene surface, however, lies an angst-ridden and haunted heart; as strong and confident as you are, you often manage to be hurt by the ones you love. You're Buffy!

2. You're the adorable prodigy, the one who things clearly before addressing a problem, no matter the size. Being so brainy has left you with some self-esteem issues, however, and you do your best to supress them, mostly by trying to be everyone's best friend. You're Willow!

3. Though you're a natural comedian, one with a quick wit and an everyman charm, you often have trouble making things happen for you. It's most likely your fear of success - and a small trace of bitterness - that keep you from achieving your goals. You're Xander!

4. Mysterious and brooding, you have a long memory to go with your complicated past. You are passionate, yet deeply conflicted, afraid of being around others to the point that you jealously guard your privacy, preferring to remain a loner who harbors a dark side. You're Angel!

5. You may be blunt and demanding, but if you don't ask for something, how on earth can you expect to get it? Fashionable and self-important, your opinions are more valuable than everyone's else's, especially because you're always right and they're always wrong. So let them know it. You're Cordelia!

Becca: Buffy and Xander (5); Willow (1)
Carly: Angel (4); Xander (0)
Chris: Willow, Xander, Cordelia (3); Buffy (0)
Jessica: Willow (5); Angel (0)
Tim: Buffy, Willow (3); Angel, Cordelia (1)

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