Monday, August 06, 2007

Weekend at Bernie's

I've been neglecting, I admit it. I'd like to say that it's been because I'm crazy busy, but really, I don't know why I haven't posted lately. I have been playing a lot of Guild Wars, kind of a last hurrah with some friends before life starts again in the fall.

There was a wedding a couple weeks ago, which was rockin', as much as possible, at least. Good music was played (contrary to Jessica and Lauren's wishes), and I think a good time was had by all. Next up is Natalie's, which shall be another big party, this time on the beach.

I recently bought a Nintendo DS, which I've been thinking about getting for a while. It's a surprising little system! Not only can you play DS games, but also Gameboy Advance games, which means that I can get some old school SNES games (like Zelda and FFVI), plus all the new, touch screen games of the DS (like FFIII). Plus, if I ever cared to, I can play against other people through Wi-Fi hot spots. And it has Tetris and Sudoku games. What more could I ask for?

My dad and I are headed out to Bass Lake for tomorrow and Wednesday. The plan was to beat the heat, but if things are the way they were today, there won't be any heat here to beat. But maybe that will make the mountains even colder! We'll see.

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