Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Beach Blanket Bingo

I don't know why, but I've been neglecting my blog lately. Perhaps it's because nothing has happened that is note-worthy, or perhaps it's just because it's the fall and that sort of thing tends to happen.

Anyways, over Labor Day Weekend I spent a fun time in Santa Barbara with my parents and grandparents. Unfortunately, it was obscenely hot (it would have been more comfortable to be in B-town due to the lack of AC in SB), but was very comfortable on the beach and in the pool, where I spent much of my time. My grandmother was recovering from knee surgery, so I kept her entertained with movies, and we watched some sports together.

I went in the ocean and played around a bit for the first time in probably two years. I've been to the beach many times, but it's always in the winter, or when it's too cold to swim (or I'm not properly attired).

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