Sunday, November 18, 2007

Be Prepared

Today I wasn't particularly prepared, so I didn't get to hear somebody sing that song on stage. Silly me, assuming that there would be a Sunday evening performance of The Lion King that I could go see. So instead I Googled things to do in London on a Sunday night, and found absolutely nothing, aside from clubs, which I'm not really interested in.

The problem is that everything here closes so early, which I'm just not used to. Museums close around 6 PM, and the same with stores. So I finally realized that the London Eye might be open after dark, and decided to check it out. I saw that it closes at 8 PM, but didn't know if they let the last 'flights' go up at 8, or if everybody was off by then. I decided to risk it, and arrived at about ten 'till 8, making it on the last flight of the evening.

It was pretty nice because our room was almost empty, there only being four other people in there with me: two Americans and two Japanese. The view was pretty awesome, with London all aglow. Parliament was especially fantastic. My pictures couldn't turn out very good, but I think I got a few that are decent. And I figure I can just buy some postcards for good pictures; I was up there for the view, not pictures.

Yesterday I popped into St. Paul's to find out what time services were, and arrived just in time for a concert. It was Saturday Evensong, but they were giving away some music awards, so it was basically a concert. I couldn't understand any of the words, so I don't know what they were singing, but the music was very cathedral-ish, and added a definite atmosphere to the cathedral.

Scotland tomorrow!


SUE J said...

Is Soren going to Scotland with you?


EC said...

i live up the street from the lion king. let me know if you are in that part of town. also, tell rachel i miss her and im sorry im so busy