Tuesday, January 15, 2008

And I didn't die once!

So Saturday after reffing two soccer games, I decided that it would be a good idea to head down to LA and join Rob's D&D group for some orc-slaying fun! Actually, I don't think we slayed any orcs, but we had fun running around a tower and trying to kill a spider lady. Plus, there was lots of food involved, and flashy cups.

On Sunday, Rob wanted to try out a pick-up Ultimate Frisbee game he heard about through his new Ultimate Frisbee league, so we headed out to Pasadena, and to a park in the Rose Bowl area. Now, you all may think I'm fanatical about frisbee, but you ain't seen nothing until you see these people play - very good and very intense about frisbee. It was a beautiful day, and it was great to get out and run around for a while, once we figured out the different rules and the subbing mechanism.

On Monday, I decided to pay my aunt, who lives about a mile from the Rose Bowl, a visit. Had I known she was that close, I might have made us go over on Sunday and say hi (it was literally almost on the way that we went), but oh well. I'll know for next time. It was good to see my aunt and uncle, and we went to the Norton Simon for about an hour (I had never been there before) and had Mexican.

Now I'm home and I have to start getting some things done. Only two weeks until my classes up in Sacramento start! I keep dreaming that I'm back in high school, only not high school aged, so I think I'm either worried or really excited about going back to school. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

1) I dream about HS all the time. What this means, I don't know.

2) <3 norton simon

3) I kinda dated a guy who played ultimate frisbee once. he was on the school team or whatever and he was reallly serious about it, like, I need to work out 2 hours everyday so I can get back into shape for ultimate frisbee.