Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Curse of the Bambecca

Since I've started watching television after I came home from college, I've seen show after show that I love canceled within a couple years of me starting to watch it. Due to all of these canceled shows (VM, GG, Alias, AD) I've decided that I am a curse to shows.

Lately I thought my curse might have been gone, since the only show left this fall that I have watched previously was Heroes, and I don't see that being canceled any time soon. Although , come to think of it, maybe my curse caused the writer's strike because there were quite a few new shows that I liked this fall (this would mean that my curse has gotten worse).

Lately I've been trying to get around the curse by watching shows that have already been canceled, like Brisco County Jr. and Dark Angel. So while I still get very upset when they end prematurely, at least I know what I'm getting into when I start the shows.

But I just found out that two of the shows I had thought were safe are canceled: The 4400 and The Dead Zone. Theses are summer series on USA, and usually shows that play on cable and during the summer last for a good number of series. Not only that, but I think both are popular, and I know that The 4400 started off with the highest number of viewers of a cable premiere.

I don't mind so much when shows get the ax once they start sucking. I think of the fact that Alias ended as the fault of the show, because it really started going downhill. As much as I think that there were more stories to tell in the show, it was its time to end. The same was true to a lesser extent of Gilmore Girls.

But I hate it when a show dies before it's time, and especially when the writers don't have an opportunity to actually end it. When a show finds out halfway through a season that it won't be coming back, there is no way to wrap up all of the plot lines that are in development. This is even worse when, in the case of these two shows, they find out in the off-season, when everybody had expected it to come back. This means that there is absolutely no closure for the series in general.

As one article said, "the move to cancel series with continuing story lines before a final resolution is beginning to wear on fans, who may reject new sci-fi series for fear of investing their time and energy in a tale with no end." So all of you Heroes and Smallville watchers, I'm sorry, but those shows will get canceled soon, and probably without reason, and without any real resolution. And it's very possible that Chuck, Journey Man (that is amazing and therefore absolutely no hope for it to stick around), and Bionic Woman won't even make it a second season. Sorry for all of you that actually like them.


rob said...

Seriously, I just found about the 4400 this past week. A bunch of us were sitting around discussing the current state of television, and I threw in my shameless plug for the 4400. At which point one a fellow TD turns to me and says, "Awesome show. Too bad it was canceled." Talk about ruining my day. I'm sorry you had to find out from somebody else. I was going to tell you when the time was right.

Me said...

I had the same thoughts about you! I figured since you hadn't told me about it, you didn't know. Since you were never online I couldn't tell you, so I just decided to post about it.

I guess I won't be making any more plugs for it, either.

Finding out was the closest I've come to crying in a very long time, although that's not really saying much.

Chris Burzlaff said...

Remind me to give you Twin Peaks to watch as another example of shows cancelled before their prime. Just don't ruin Dexter for me!

Jess said...

Oh no! Dexter and Weeds are in danger now! NOOOO!!!! (this is problem with us having similar taste in television).

Rachel said...

Haha. I remember how crushed I was when someone told me Love Monkey was canceled. This is why I don't watch TV EVER. Ok. One of the reasons.