Monday, February 04, 2008

Trouble acclimating

I think there are two things in particular that I'm having trouble getting used to at school. The first is that I have to pay for anything that I may want to print. Now, I know this isn't unusual, but we didn't have it at Whitworth. Before I started going there they had a fixed number of pages that a person could print during the year (any more and they had to pay), but they did away with that once we started using an online service to put up sources and other course materials, instead of putting them on hold in the library.

So for a lot of my philosophy classes, I could just pull up the sources online, print them out in the library, and I'd be good to go (it was also great for things I wanted to print but weren't used for classes, like whichever story I was working on at the time). CSUS uses this same online service (Blackboard, for those of you who know it), but I have to pay for each page I print out! Inconceivable! This just means that I don't really want to print anything out, and it's possible because of it I won't do all the reading that I should. %0.05 a page seems a bit steep to me, but I could be imagining things. Does Kinko's let you print things off the internet, and if so, does anybody know how much they charge? Of course, I could fix this by having a printer up here, but where would I put it?

The other thing I just can't get used to is the fact that all of my classes are lectures. I want to discuss what we're talking about (read: argue about), and it's very difficult for me not to consume class time discussing small points that interest me as a philosopher, but really shouldn't be that important to me as an economist (and aren't important to all the other people in my class, since they're all business people). So far I think I've done a good job, but it's just going to get worse as we start Greek and Medieval philosophers starting Wednesday, because those are my homeboys, and I'll have a lot of trouble when the prof waters down what they said. I know it's necessary, but I don't have to like it! Maybe I'll get a neighbor to kick me every time I start talking about something that they think is unnecessary. But I would probably ignore them anyways, because I've been conditioned to ignore being kicked.


rob said...

It's called office hours.

Rachel said...

they charge 5 P here!