Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Deep Thoughts

I was struck by how much gas Nascar must waste each year. With the huge increase in gas prices lately, I wonder how much the decrease in demand due to no more Nascar would decrease the price of gas. Probably not a whole lot, but with as much talk as we hear about environmental issues, I'm amazed nobody has pointed out that it's a huge waste of a finite resource, not to mention all the pollution that it produces. Shutting down Nascar probably wouldn't make much of a change, but it's a start! Not to mention the fact that it's not a sport and is boring to watch.

I saw a billboard on the way back to Sacramento that said something like "Jesus is Lord" and had a website at the bottom -, I think it was. Because it was dark and it had been a long day, I thought this said, and I could just picture Disneyland, but instead of Mickey Mouse and the gang walking around, you have Jesus and his disciples, and also all the important saints, like Aquinas and Augustine. You could also have the Tunnel of Transubstantiation, Water-into-Wine Mountain (Splash Mountain), and something like Superman, but called Ascension. Maybe when they sell off all those Six Flags, they can turn one into JesusLand.

I'm slowly running out of ideas for polls, so email me if you've got any.

1 comment:

Jess said...

a. That will probably happen one day, if it hasn't yet.

b. There is a Simpson's episode that is strikingly similar to this premise. :)