Monday, March 17, 2008

Níl ní ar bith is áille ...

.... Ná'n ghealach os cionn a' tsáile r.

It's Irish Day, so I'm listening to The Corrs' Home CD, and I thought it appropriate that I put in a lyric that somewhat applies to my weekend. I went over to the Bay Area (El Cerrito, to be exact), and had a great weekend with my aunt and uncle. When I arrived on Saturday, I was promptly greeted by a sight I was excited to see - a stack of 360 games, most of which I have heard about and been very interested in seeing.

This weekend I got to play and see: Army of Two, Mass Effect, Dark Odyssey, Assassin's Creed, and Two Worlds. It made me want to buy a 360, but I think that Billy is planning on buying one for Tiger Woods, and I can wait till then and play it when I'm home. I also got some very yummy Italian (crushed pepper in Carbonara = amazing), ice cream, a bike, and about 800 new songs on my iPod. This is all in addition to having a great time talking with my aunt and uncle. Oh yeah, we also watched Death at a Funeral, which I'd suggest to anybody. It's hilariously British, and a dark comedy, which also equals amazing. Plus is has Alan Tudyk and Matthew Macfadyen, both of whom I am a fan.

Tomorrow I head up to Tahoe to hit the slopes, assuming that I get enough of my paper written tonight to warrant a gift to myself, which I'm certain will happen. Then I have one more day of class until I head home for a long weekend, which is exciting, because it's going to be a long weekend of parties.


rob said...

Re: You're new poll.

I had to answer yes. I'm about 99.9% certain that caffeine is considered a drug, and I can't count the number of times I used caffeine to enhance my performance in school.

Anonymous said...

Hi Becca --

Great to read that your trip had some high points for you as well. Both Laura and I enjoyed your presence here -- in our different and collective ways -- beyond the telling of it.

Nice to be raised to the status of "uncle" -- which I believe I most certainly am, in spirit if not in body or blood.
I have this "annoying" habit for detail, and so would like to point out that the game is called "LOST Odyssey", though it surely has its dark moments. I played that game for another hour today, but I have kept your orginal save, should you ever wish to pick up where you left off.

I am trying to get myself back into the practice of mediation, especially since I am currently teaching a course on Spiritual Development, based largely on the book "The Integral Vision" I gave you. To help myself do this I have bought some expensive toys/tools: The Holosync Solution (involves wearing headphones and listen to sounds that seem to affect the Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta brain wave patterns and associated subjective states) and a bio-feedback game called "The Journey to Wild Divine: the Passage" (which allows you to move through the game once you master the appropriate state of relaxation).

I am accutely aware that this is "Holy Week". When I was actively practicing my Episcopalian faith, this would have meant taking the "Three Great Days" of Maunday Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday (with its midnight celebration of Easter preceeded by the creation of the new fire and the lighting of the pastal candel, all to sung prayers and psalms, along with bible readings).

I understand you can find God on ski slopes as well.

Until the next time,


a.k.a. "Uncle" Robert


Ah better -- now I have a name ... re-reading my note my annoying eye for detail notices that I meant to day I would take the "Three Great Days" off and participate in what would be many hours of ritual, especially if I did the overnight vigil in the Chapel of Grace at Grace Cathedral Maunday Thursday, recreating the Garden of Gethsemene (sp?). But early in my days of conversion, such ordeals brought more pleasure than pain.
