Saturday, July 12, 2008


I think that was actually the tag line for Independence Day, but I think it fits equally well for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls, or whatever the full title is. I went to finally see it on Thursday with my dad, and was highly entertained. I can now evaluate some of the Top 10 things that Robert gave when he saw the movie a long time ago.

From Robert:
10: The bad guys still can't hit Indy & Co., even when shooting at almost point blank range.
So true. As a matter of fact, I commented to my dad that the Russians shoot even worse than Stormtroopers did.
Obligitory references to the previous Indy films.
I would have been disappointed without them, although it's not new. They were there in Last Crusade, too.
08: It's been a while since the Russians were the bad guys in a movie.
And Cate Blanchett made a great villain.
04: Best use of a refridgerator, ever!
Can't argue at all.
03: Cameo by a faorite actor from Scrubs.
I thought that scene was unnecessary, except that it filled in some of the blanks of what happened after Last Crusade. Still, could have done without it.
02: Three words: Indiana Jones Theme.
While I normally sit through all the credits, this time I did it just so I could hear the whole theme.
01: Shea LeBouf doesn't ruin the movie.
Were you expecting him to?

Now I just need to see Hellboy II, The Dark Night, and a handful of others that are coming out this summer. I love summer movie season, although it does make me run out of money from about October until Christmas, due to the fact that they're all coming out on video at the same time.

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