Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Being right

So this weekend my team is playing in a tournament, and I won't be there. Part of me is very worried that things are going to go horribly wrong, while another part of me is kind of hoping that might happen so that my superiority might be proved. The main problem is that the other coach and I have distinctly differing coaching methods, and I happen to think that mine is better - I'm sure he thinks the same way. It would just be nice if I was proved to be right.

Also, apparently I use way too many economic terms in my political philosophy class. Now, this was never a problem when I was a undergrad, and I think it mostly has to due with the subject in this class - in particular, social justice that we've been looking at recently. This has hugely economic implications, and I find it difficult to not discuss without mentioning things like 'factors of production,' 'marginal productivity,' and 'utility of income.'

Today in class I pointed out that if one does not accept redistribution, than that implies one thinks the current distribution is just, and you can't do that without looking at the factors of production and determining if the current scheme - something like marginal productivity, but I would argue not exactly - is just. There are surely people that would say no (Marx comes immediately to mind).

See, see! I was right; they do exist together!

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