Thursday, October 02, 2008

I hate to say it

I hate to say it, but well, yeah. I just hate to say it.

The title to this comic read, "Except for anything by Lewis Carroll and Tolkien, you get five made-up words per story. I'm looking at you, Anathem." (I wikied it, and Anathem is a book by Neil Stephenson, which I now need to read). I'd also like to point out that this function is true of another series, which I think would be much improved if the author wasn't infatuated with his own ability to make up words and use language.


rob said...

When future historians research the early years of the 21st century, I really hope they stumble across an XKCD archive.

Jason St.Clair said...

Yeah, this one was pretty awesome. It made me smile. I think I've adhered to this "rule" pretty well in my endeavors so far.

Me said...

Except for the names.