Saturday, December 13, 2008

I love this book

In my political philosophy class, our textbook is titled Political Philosophy: A Beginners' Guide for Students and Politicians. It's really quite good - straightforward, well written and organized, and includes most relevant topics. It's also, on occasion, very funny. The author is British, which means nothing, except that some spellings are the British way, there's lots of references to British government (although not exclusive), and his British humor comes out frequently.

The latest awesome quote is this:

"Since most of us believe that democracy, at least in some form, could be legitimate, this point may seem academic. (That's 'academic' in the pejorative sense that condemns my profession to the elucidation of irrelevant niceties)."

And if you don't find that as funny as I do, you're lame.

1 comment:

Rachel said...
