Tuesday, December 23, 2008

That's the spirit!

So yesterday my dad and I decided that it would be fun to go shopping. It was about 11 am on a Monday (which I'd like to point out is a working day). We safely got in and out of Costco, with only one forgotten thing, but got completely derailed on the way to Best Buy. We were going to go look at car speakers and external hard drives, not to mention wine racks (although not at Best Buy), but when the traffic was backed up behind the stoplight before Rosedale, we used the Lowe's parking lot to turn around.

Don't people have to work? Or if they're unemployed, don't they have to save money? I mean, they can't all be teachers.

Plus, all the idiots were out yesterday! We decided to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond instead of Best Buy. Of course, neither of us realized that it is next In and Out, and that they put crack in their french fries (why else would it be so popular?). The fact that people will sit in line for all of their entire lunch hour just for stupid hamburgers.

In much more fun news, I've decided that watching Gilmore Girls is a very bad influence on me.


EC said...

What's the effect of the Gilmore girls on you? just curious

Me said...

Exponentially increased sarcasm.