Sunday, March 01, 2009


I really enjoy watching credits. Anybody who has gone to the movies with me knows that I like to watch them all the way through to the end, even after any hope of a post credit scene has gone. The same is true of opening credits. These days, there are two types of credits, and both have their strengths and weaknesses.

One type is to show the actors doing stuff, usually along with their names. This is the standard one that most shows do. I find it really interesting to watch the opening credits of new shows and try to guess what's going on in the clips they've shown. You know that they have to be from the first couple of episodes that they've filmed, so you can try to guess the relationships and personalities of all the characters and what will be revealed early on. Recent example of this: Dollhouse.

The other type of credit doesn't show the actors, but it shows something that is meant to put you in the right type of mood to watch the show. An excellent example of this is Weeds or Dexter, but it isn't only in Showtime or HBO - Saving Grace and The Riches did the same thing.

What I don't really like are the shows that just show images of the actors (ie not clips from episodes). This is what the third season of Veronica Mars did, and what Sarah Connor is doing now. Unless it is really stylized, it doesn't get you into the mood to watch the show, which is what all credits should do.

Lastly, a word on theme songs. This is one of the most crucial things a show has to pick, in my opinion. It sets the mood for every viewing, and viewers have to listen to it every week (or every hour if they're watching from dvd). It would be interesting to choose to watch new shows based on their theme songs. I may have to experiment with that. Some of my favorites themes: Buffy, Veroica Mars (pre-Season 3), Firefly, and Star Trek: Enterprise. Dollhouse is slowly getting up on the list, but I think it's a bit too short.


Jenn. said...

I have a real thing for TV show credits too. I really like traditional credit sequences, and I miss them now that so many shows feel the need to just put up a title card. (Lost, Gossip Girl, Heroes, etc) Of current shows, I think my favourite sequence (and song) right now is Chuck. I don't even watch the show that much, but the credits are adorable, and fit the overall tone of it perfectly. Also True Blood - beautifully shot, and matched so well to the song. When I first saw them I watched them over and over again, seriously. Um, yeah.

I have to disagree about the S3 VM credits. I've recently beeen watching S3 again, so have actually been thinking about them lately. For one thing, I see the need for the change in order to separate themselves from the very school oriented credits of the first two seasons. The slowed song bothered me at first, but now I really like it, and can appreciate how well edited they are. I don't mind the lack of actual show scenes in a later season - I figure at that point we already know the characters so there's no need for that type of set-up. And in those particular credits, for me it's all about the musical timing. Watch the graphics changes, the movement, and especially the sidesways moving vertical bars. They fit so perfectly; I love it.

One credit sequence that I don't really like that I'm sure a lot of people do is the BSG one. For some reason, I've never warmed to it.

You got an extra long reply because I've actually been considering a blog post on this very subject!

p.s. My family always watches to the very end of the movie credits, so it's what I'm used to. It's my dad really - he always has something he wants to check or comment on. However, depending on what friends I'm with, I'm not always insistent about it, so I'm kind of out of the habit now.

Me said...

I have to admit that the VM credits did grow on me, but at first I was violently against them.

I had forgotten about True Blood, and I have to agree that Chuck's credits are pretty awesome.

The thing I like about BSG's are the end bit where they show clips that you haven't seen yet. I get to play a guessing game every week, trying to figure out what's going to happen, and which ones are just red herrings.