Sunday, July 05, 2009


I watched Star Trek again, this time on the IMAX. I was struck again by something that I noticed the first time: the lens flares on most of the scenes. Watching it the first time, I didn't like it, but this second time I was a bit more accepting. It was obviously manufactured (most of the flare is in scenes in space) and I can't really figure out why they would have chosen to do that. Possibly to make it more life like?

But the thing is, I like my Scifi movies to be flashy and polished, which is perhaps why I didn't like the effect ruining things. It did seperate the movie from the shows, none of which (to my knowledge) exhibit any lens flare. Also, when did that become the in thing? I'm pretty sure I've seen it in other movies (although none are coming to mind). To me flare has always seemed to mean that they did do a good job framing the shot. Perhaps I'll have to change my outlook on it.

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