Monday, August 31, 2009

It starts....

Classes started today. I didn't like four - five hour chunks of learning and class sitting when I could sleep through most of them, so I really have no hope of enjoying it now. Oh well, I imagine I'll survive (even if I don't want to). That said, I think I'm taking way too many classes to even think about Nano (and yet, even now I'm trying to figure out a way) which is sad. Plus side, the Friday before my birthday is a campus wide furlough day. Now if I can just manage to get that Saturday's soccer game rescheduled, I could have a long weekend!

I have to figure out something fun to do next weekend since it celebrates my last free weekend of the fall/early winter. Thoughts?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Things That Annoy Me

You know when the administrator of a group sends out a mass email, sharing business, news, or something of the like? Well, while those can be annoying, what's even more annoying are the people who decide that they need to send an email to everybody on the list, only to share one sentence that has absolutely no bearing on the matter. "Very well said," "Thank you," or "Congratulations" are not good reasons to hit reply all on an email.

I can only think of a few reasons to do that. First of all, it could have been a mistake to hit reply all instead of reply. But honestly, I think this rarely happens (because most email programs do not have reply all as default). Another reason is that you could be trying to show everybody how "cool" you are (and by cool, of course I mean stupid) by agreeing or commenting on whatever was said. If I wanted your opinion, I would ask for it. Or, if the person who sent the email wanted your comment or agreement, they would have asked for it.

It's like sitting in a meeting and saying, "Yeah!" without anybody asking you to. And it's even worse when the mass email is to a huge group who don't know each other. I don't know who you are, and frankly, I don't care what you think. So keep your comments to yourself.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I have this guitly feeling telling me that I've been neglecting my blog lately, but I find I don't have anything to write. Of course, there are things I probably could talk about, but perhaps my brain has shut off to recharge for the last few days before classes start because nothing seems appealing to write.

Of course, my brain could also have shut off because I've been using it too much recently for things that aren't for school (like creating websites and servers). Oh well, the first two weeks of the semester are pretty slow, right? I should be able to recharge then. Of course, one of the books for one of my classes is titled Intro to Econometrics, which I believe was the same title for my undergrad econometrics class (at least it's not the same book). So it could be a slow semester.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Weekend Warrior

My weekend trip to Bakersfield and Santa Barbara turned out to be a bit longer than I had planned. First I stayed an extra day in SB hanging out with the family and playing some volleyball. Quite fun. Then I was ready to head out to Sacramento on Tuesday, but my mom had driven off with my wallet which delayed my departure until after the time that I would have made it back in time for practice (which was the only reason I was leaving), so there was no reason to go until Thursday, leaving me more time to set up my server.

And just because I can, some shots from the weekend, none of which include any of my family.