Thursday, September 10, 2009

Classes, such as they are

This semester I'm taking 5 classes, teaching 1, and attending another (for the one I'm teaching). This translates to being on campus for at least 8 hours almost every day (and for 12 hours on Wednesdays). I'm not sure how this is going to work, especially as the semester gets on and I have some important papers due during prime test time.

At least my professors seem to be interesting this semester. Only one is seemingly horrible - unfortunately he's teaching a series, and I'll probably be taking part B next semester. I've also discovered that Indian is not one of the accents I can easily understand. British is fine, but not Indian. It also is not helpful that this professor's handwriting is tiny and illegible, and that he insists on standing in front of what he's written much of the time.

I'm teaching an adjunct section for Econ 1A, which basically means that twice a week for an hour I help students review and understand what was covered in Introduction to Macroeconomics. It should be fun, and thankfully I have some of the handouts and notes from somebody who's done it before, so I shouldn't have to do much prep.

My graduate classes this semester are probably going to leave something to be desired, not because they won't be interesting, but because I think there's going to be very little theory involved in them. Both are centered around statistics, which is definitely not my favorite math subject. I may get a bit more appreciation for it because one of my other classes is Introduction to Probability Theory, but I doubt it. I think I'll have to find some theory articles (or perhaps some articles on methodology) to read during my (lack of) free time.

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