Friday, January 14, 2005

Under construction

Since my other site is currently going through remodeling and isn't open to the public, I guess I'll have to start updating this one more often. The problem is that I haven't been doing anything interesting lately. Its been all waking up late and searching for something to do so I'm not bored out of my mind. I have found that after a while, HBO has nothing new on. But there are a lot of old prime time shows on during the day if you know where to look. Too bad most of those prime time shows are lame, so I've been spending a lot of time watching the SciFi channel. Apparently they decided to take another shot at this old series called Battlestar Galatica, which is pretty cool. They kept pretty much the same characters, but tweaked some a little bit, and made a new plot line, I think. Anyways, there was a mini-series that they made last year, and they've been repeating that a lot because the series starts up where the mini-series left off. Too bad it starts tonight when I have to work.

In other news, I'm thinking about going to Disneyland sometime soon, so if anybody wants to go with me, let me know soon.

Oh! For those of you who haven't heard the joyous news, we finally got rid of AOL at my house. Now, some might be wondering why that's joyous news. Well, AOL will only let one screenname per account be on at one time, which means that only one person in my family can be on the internet at the same time. Which meant lots of arguments about who had been on the most, and who gets to be on now. But we (meaning me because nobody else in my family could do it) finally called up Bright House and got Roadrunner.

Also, Rob helped me set up a wireless network. Well, he did all the work while I supplied the sugar in the form of peanut butter M&M's and. But that means that the family computer is now upstairs in my parents room, and my computer is very happily sitting in my room.

Anyways, I'm still figuring out how to use this site, so hopefully more stuff will be coming soon, in the way of pictures. Until then, uh, do some homework or something.

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