Wednesday, February 02, 2005


So yesterday during one of my games I was thinking about universals. And I was thinking, if they do exist (which I think they do), what they exist as. I mean, it'd have to be something like probabilities, but how can something like a universal exist as a probability that something in its subset will do something. I haven't quite figured out what I was thinking about last night, since all three games were boys, and they're too fast for me to be able to think while running.

Anyways, another reason I was thinking about this is that a couple weeks ago I was eating with my family and we somehow got to talking about Title IX and differences between men and women. So I had to think that if there are some sort of intrinisic differences between men and women, they would have to express themselves in probabilities, but how can you say that something is universal if its a probility. Anyways, that's it for my incoherent rambilings today.

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