Wednesday, March 02, 2005

At the book store

Today I had to go to Barnes and Noble. And yes, I do mean had to. Shadow of the Giant was released today, and I had to buy it and read it. The only reason I'm typing this now is because I finished. That's one thing about Orson Scott Card's books that annoys me; they're too short. Except for Speaker for the Dead and Xenocide, which are only so long because there's tons of philosophy disguised in them. And we all know philosophy is long winded.

Anyways, this book again lived up to my expectations of OSC. Although I thought there was supposed to be one more in the series, and it appears that he's pretty much left no loose ends, except for one that I think is meant to be remain loose. But who can tell. Although if the series is over, I will be sad. Not disappointed, but sad.

Then again, he could start over after Children of the Mind, now that he's developed Peter's character.

While I was at BN, I saw something that made me sick. It was The Nora Roberts Companion. Has literature been so degraded that we now have companions to those books? I mean, how much stuff could there be to fill that book? Apparently a lot, since it was a good sized book, but come on! Who would actually want/need to buy that book!

And I just realized that there is a loose end which could warrant another book. And I realized another thing. OSC hardly writes any physical descriptions of characters of places. Everything is focused around dialogue, which I think is awesome. Because in his stories, physical descriptions don't matter. Well, things like troop movements matter, but the looks of buildings, and even people, don't. Anyways, its getting late and I'll probably have to work tomorrow.

And if you haven't yet, go find your nearest OSC book and start reading it. I promies you won't regret it.

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