Thursday, March 10, 2005

Good movies

I watched two good movies today. Well, actually I caught most of one two days ago, but I finished it up today, so it still counts. The first is Gattaca (released in 1997), which is a very good sci-fi movie in it with Ethan Hawke, Jude Law, and Uma Thurman, who all give great performances, I think. Its about what could happen if genetics gets to the point where out entire society is based on identity through DNA. And the story of a person with "imperfect genes" who tries to overcome them. I won't do it justice trying to describe it here, so I'll stop and just say you should watch it.

The second was Fight Club, which is more recent, so everybody should know what it is. Fight Club was on FX's dvd program, so I got to see some behind the scenes stuff, which was interesting. Apparently, according to the director and actors and stuff, its supposed to be a dark comedy, which I can see. Its got some pretty cool camera shots, and the dialogue is pretty good. I appreciate some of the randomness of the characters that shows through the dialogue. And its got a very interesting ending.
And both Brad Pitt and Edward Norton give excellent performances.

If you haven't seen Gattaca, I suggest watching it, and the same goes for fight club. Although, just so you're warned, it is a little dark and violent, hence the word "fight" in the title.

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