Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Veni Vidi Vino

I know that's not how it goes, but whenever I can, I adopt Caeser's phrase for my purposes. My favorite is "Veni vidi wiki" the first time I used a wiki. In ancient latin, a "v" is pronounced as a "w" (which makes me think that perhaps w's name should be double v), so really, "veni vidi vici" is "weni widi wici". Well, I thought it was clever. Too bad for most people to get it, I have to explain. That's the problem with learning ancient languages, nobody else knows them.

Anyways, its on to the Misadventures in Cambria, where we spent our time playing Apples to Apples, eating, and drinking. For those of you won don't know, the road from Paso Robles to Cambria is full of vineyards, which means lots of wine tasting. Having not yet acquired the taste for wine, I was a little aprehensive about it, but decided I would at least try to like wine, since it seems most of the rest of the world does.

The first day was somewhat meh-ish, seeing as most of the wine just tasted like vinegar to me, but I plowed through with lots of water and crackers. And pretzels and mustard, for not only do they sell wine, but most places sell lots of very good food. However, by the second day I was more able to appreciate the wine, and poured very little of it out. Hurray for me.

Anyways, there wasn't too much craziness going on in Cambria, since the triptofin (stupid big words) was usually kicking in by the time we got back from tasting. But Chris and I did manage to spend about an hour using the Apples to Apples cards to create extemporaneous stories. That was entertaining, and I think my story about Katherine Hepburn getting in car accidents in Italy that she thought was the Effiel Tower. Guess you had to be there, but everybody was entertained by it.

What else.... oh. On Thursday, Rob, Chris, and I went to see Robots, which was very entertaining. Its not really comparable to The Incredibles, because its not a serious movie at all. I mean, Robin William's character sings "Singing in the Oil." There's no way it was serious. It was surprising, however, to see how little screen time all the huge names got. Especially when they played them up so much in the previews. Oh well. It was entertaining.

Well, that's it for today. Tomorrow will be all about my family vacation to Arizona and Utah. So stay tuned!

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