Saturday, April 02, 2005


Well, I'm off to Mexico for the week, so there won't be any posts coming for a good reason, as opposed to the normal reasons why there aren't any, which are bad.

I realized that I would love it if there was a high speed train (or any speed, really) from Bakersfield to LA. It would make my life so much easier, and I would be spending pretty much every free weekend down in LA hanging out with people. You'd think that with all the hubbub about how California has a traffic problem, they would have made one a long time ago, but only recently have they started arguing about it. Although then it would be possible (maybe probable) that Bakersfield would turn into another suburb of LA, and then it would suck more as a town.

Anyways, back to a couple weeks ago. I was watching Robots, as I posted earlier, and the first part of the movie drew me back into philosophical ponderings. Of course, I had had a couple drinks earlier (in celebration of St. Patrick's Day), so I shouldn't have been pondering things like that, but I did. Anyways, in the beginning when they're making the baby robot, and then as he grows up and gets upgrades, I had to wonder if the creators of Robots had figured out how the Robots had a personal identity. I don't think they did, since no questions of uploading or storing or anything like that came up, but I thought about it, and now I'm done talking about it.

Anyways, I'm currently sitting in Chris's apartment waiting to go to the train station to get down to SD, thinking about either downloading Firefox and hiding all his IE icons or posting something on his website. I think I'll download Firefox, because I really can't think of anything witty to write this early in the morning.

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