Saturday, April 30, 2005

I dreamed a dream

More dreams from last night:

First, I was some sort of a strike settler who was sent, along with somebody else, to England to try to end the railway strike. Our two guides actually worked undercover for the owners, but we still managed to get a good agreement in favor of the workers.

Then I was in the Star Wars universe doing something Star Warsy. I don't think this one got fully developed, or I just can't remember it.

Then I was playing basketball with Micheal Jordan, and the refs were horrible. They kept trying to make us lose the game, but we didn't. Actually, the game didn't get finished, but we were winning.

And there was another one, but I can't remember it now. Maybe I'll remember it later.

I'm trying to get my other website up and running. I think right now some pages are linked up, but the colors are all weird, and many of them aren't done. So check it out at your own peril.

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