Thursday, April 28, 2005

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K

Well, not really, but if you can tell me what movie that quote is from, you rock. Anyways, I've been having the strangest dreams lately, so I thought I'd share them as I remember. Last night, I was apparently in the army and shipped off to somewhere like Vietnam, but it wasn't, because it was currently going on, and I wasn't back then. Anyways I was there for like 3 hours before the war ended and I was sent home. Once I got home, I was somehow up in the mountains and had to use my newfound knowledge from the war to lead a group of bad guys on a wild goose chase while the rest of the camp (I think it was a camp) got away. I had tons of experience from my three hours of war time.

The next dream involved little flower things growning out of the back of my leg. I don't really understand that one. That's all I can remember, but be on the look out for more later.

Coming soon: an interesting conversation I had with Rob about superheros. (Sorry if you've read it already, but its mostly for those people who don't know Rob.)

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