Thursday, May 05, 2005

Good fences make good neighbors

So this week is testing in the Panama district, so I haven't been working. Instead, I've been doing all sorts of stuff that magically appeared when I have nothing to do, like build a fence. I was reminded of the poem, by I believe Robert Frost, although he could have written Mending Wall instead. Anyways, I don't really know our neighbors, on either side. That's what you get when your parents move when you're away at college. Actually, I don't think anybody in my family knows our neighbors. But, I've decided that good fence makers make good neighbors because this guy put up a section of the fence in like 15 minutes. That takes talent.

Two nights ago I went over to Rachel's to "write". For some reason she hasn't figured out that most of the time we spend writing together, I'm trying to distract her from actually getting any work done. Now she has everything she's written so far all printed out, so how distracting do you think that was for me? It was a fun evening, full of quotable moments, most of which I've forgotten. Hopefully Rachel wrote them down.

I go up to Spokane to officially end undergraduate work next week, which should be fun, but I really don't look forward to sitting around listening to people talk for three hours. How boring. Luckily I'll be sitting by fellow philosophers (I hope) so I can talk to them. That should be interesting and entertaining.

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