Sunday, August 28, 2005


My soccer team had its first game yesterday, and I think we did pretty well. We won, which is important, but more importantly, they played pretty well. After the first quarter, that is.

Yesterday we had a small bar-b-que at Chris' house in celebration of, uh, nothing really. It was fun. After we went shopping for the necessary food, we had a little bit of time before we needed to start cooking, so Chris and I turned on TCM, which has been having its month of stars, which is that every day is devoted to movies that a particular person stared in. We watched Adam's Rib, which was very interesting. There was all sorts of nominalism vs. realism. Very fun.

And right now I'm watching the Princess Bride as I type. I bought this at the same time that I bought my tv, as sort of a warming gift to my tv. So many classic lines in this movie. Its great. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it does."

PS. The title was for the movie, not the fact that my team won.

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