Wednesday, August 24, 2005

New occurances

So last night Rob, Chris, and I, after watching some Simpsons (I actually had seen the two episodes we watched), decided to play some Settlers. I think I prefer the three person game to the four, because there's more room to expand, and I think the game is more interesting. Rob won on a two (very unlikely roll), which was kind of funny, except for the fact that he won.

In other news, I am now coaching a girls U12 AYSO soccer team. I'm still not quite sure how it happened, but oh well. It should be interesting to see if I can water down how I think a game should be played and teach them some stuff. I've decided that I don't really care what our record is, as long as I can manage to teach them a lot. We'll see how well that goes over with the girls, though.

For some reason last night my calf was mad at me. It could have been because I ran around yesterday at practice with no shoes on. Or it could have just realized that I had started being around a soccer ball and remembered all the fun it had had waking me up in the middle of the night cramping during high school and college. Anyways, its still really sore this morning, which is strange.

What else is new. Oh, my first volleyball game is tomorrow, which should be very interesting. I'm not playing, but refing, and I have no previous knowledge of the sport, unlike when I started refing soccer. But it seems really easy (although there are some people that just can't seem to get it, so maybe I'm missing something difficult), and Robby enjoys it, which tells me it can't be hard.

Oh, the other new thing is that today Brandon officially went to Basic (for the Army). I hope he has fun.

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