Monday, August 15, 2005

Thunder only happens when its raining?

So Rach listens to this band called the Cors, and they have a song which has a line that is the same as the title to this post. And when I was in her car once, I mentioned that its not true, because you can have lightening storms where there is no rain. Well, as luck would have it, we had one of those last night. While it did sprinkle for like, a second, most of the thunder was happening when there was no rain.

Actually, it was pretty cool, because it was huge thunder and lightening. There was a black out for a second, followed by the longest roll of thunder I've ever heard (I think). Anyways, it was awesome. And then this morning, the sky was all cloudy, which was also pretty cool.

Also, last night Chris and I decided to play Oil Power, which is a game similar to monopoly, but a little different. Basically, you have to buy leases to all these fields, and once you have all the leases to a field, you can drill on the field. You can either get a gusher, 100, 50, or 0. Then, if a person lands on that field, they have to pay you money.

Chris killed me the first game because he kept getting lucky on his drills. He had something like four gushers and two 100's on his only field, and I couldn't find oil to save my life. But I won the second game pretty well, so it made up for it. It was a fun game. Its funny that I haven't played monopoly in a long time, and now I've played it and a game like it twice in a week's time.

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