Friday, September 16, 2005

Fantasy Football

So, those of you who know me well enough know that I don't particularly enjoy watching sports, I enjoy playing them much more. This is the main reason that I don't really follow professional or college sports. The more I watch a sport, the more I want to play it, and I generally don't have the opportunity to (with the exception of soccer, which I can watch because I play often enough).

Hi, my name is Becca and I am dumb. :)

By the way, that was Jason, and he made me not delete it. Anyways, back to fantasy football. Apparently, this is something that's really huge, and tons of people waste all sort of time checking sites and planning rosters. So I decided to play this year with Chris and his brothers and their various acquantiances. Its fun, mostly because of the smack talking that can go down.

Anyways, my team plays Chris' team this week, so hopefully I'll win, mostly because he's done all his research and I haven't. I'll let you know how it goes. Last week I had the third most points of anybody, but got creamed by Paul, who had almost 30 more points than anybody else. It was insane.

Its been fun, but I think that fantasy soccer would be more interesting, because there's less points and stats in the game, so you would have to be very careful in who you pick and play.

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