Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My blister is healing nicely

So I guess my previous post was pathetic, because only one person commented. Lets see if I can do better. Monday, Chris and I decided to play some golf. Bet you didn't know that I can play golf, did you. Well, neither did I. The last time I played was like summer after sophomore year in high school, and I really sucked at it. And I mean really. The problem was that my muscles were so used to swinging for softball, that they automatically did that any time I didn't put my full concentration towards a golf swing.

My hope was that after not playing softball for four year (well, except for church softball in the summers) I would be able to golf better. But really, it wasn't a big hope. It worked! I didn't suck nearly as much as I used to. I would almost say I didn't suck at all, it was just normal new golfer stuff. And I beat Chris on two holes! Woohoo! Not that that's saying much (sorry Chris).

Last night after planning our camping trip, Chris, Rob, and I played some Cettler, as we've taken to calling it. I won again, but it was close because Chris had 9 points. It was an interesting game, because we were all playing in the same space. Luckily, the 3's were rolling last night, so I won.

Okay, that really wasn't interesting. I'll try to do better tomorrow.

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