Tuesday, November 01, 2005

This is Halloween, this is Halloween!

You'd all better know what that quote is from. I love Halloween, because its the one night of the year that I don't have to explain myself or get strange looks when I wear a costume. This year, I asked my mom to finish the Jedi outfit that has been like three years in the making. I've had the cloak, but could never find a good enough pattern for the tunic and stuff. Well this year I found one, and it turned out awesome, if I do say so myself, and I do.

My mom also helped Rach to make a very cool Quidditch robe, which rocked. Chris and Rob were Buster and GOB (respectively), and I even got Chris a hook to be his hand (If you haven't seen season 2 of Arrested Development, don't worry about it). We had a fun night going over to Ronnie's house (a friend of Rach) and playing first Cranium then Apples to Apples. Chris and I were on the same team for Cranium, so we won. We were in dead last place (getting beaten pretty badly) and pulled out the win, which was pretty rad.

The only problem is now I'm struggling to stay awake, which will make volleyball interesting. Luckily I only have one game instead of the usual two, and then it is time for home for another small nap, then some tv. Tomorrow night I think will start the two weeks of movies that Rob and I have planned. Hopefully I'll put some pictures up on my site from last night by tomorrow, so you should check them out. Maybe that'll make me put up the rest of the pictures I've been avoiding, but probably not.

Everybody hail to the Pumpkin King!

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