Monday, January 02, 2006

Here's to a new one!

Well, another year is over, and every Jan. 1 I sit and think about how arbitrary time is. I know, there are a lot of things that make me think about time (too many philosophy class topics on it), but New Years is one of the biggest. That and Leap Day (if that's the name of it). But in the hopes of not boring everybody, I'm not going to talk about what I think about, I'm just going to mention that I had thoughts. I know, you're amazed that anything is going on in my head now that I have a job.

Today the Armstrong family started their Mammoth trip, which the three college grads had to miss out on due to jobs. I was okay with this idea when there was hardly any snow, but beginning like Friday the heavens decided to open up and rain down beautiful snow in the mountains. So now Tim letting me know exactly how much snow Mammoth got up, and I'm no longer okay with missing out. Hopefully I'll be able to make it up there a couple times this year. Otherwise I might cry, and that isn't a pretty sight, rare as it may be.

I spent most of today playing Civ IV (be jealous Stacy!) and getting absolutely nothing done, because that's just how Civ is. And Chris and I decided to becca-and-christen his TCM version of Scene It yesterday. I won, but mostly because Chris didn't get any "my plays," and most of the "my plays" that I got were really easy, like who is the director of 2001: A Space Odyssey? That and who played Spencer Tracy's daughter in Father of the Bride.

But if you've ever played that game, you know that the hardest part can sometimes be answering the final questions. So after a couple rounds of Final Cut with neither of us getting a correct answer, we decided to play a tie breaker and let it go from there. I had the birthday closest to Jan. 7 (I don't remember what the significance of that date was) so I won.

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