Monday, January 09, 2006

When the cat's away...

... Becca will buy a new mouse. Unfortunately, my mouse that I've had since my sophomore year of college could no longer run it its little wheel. It might be that I just need new researchable batteries, but I decided to get a mouse with a tail anyways, because you have no idea how annoying it is to be playing Warcraft III and have your batteries die. So now even if my wireless mouse is miraculously resurrected, I'll have a back up.

The only problem is that I don't like the new one. For one, the thumb button is much too small, and is too high. And it just doesn't fit my hand very well, either. But it's the best that was available. All the other ones at Best Buy (or Best Buys as all of the older people I know call it) either were wireless or didn't have a thumb button at all. So after who knows how long, I finally picked the only would I could, and got to more important things.

Chris was looking for an "adventure strategy" game (which he later changed to "adventure mystery"), so we got to spend some time looking at the computer games. Unfortunately, the place decided to close early on Sunday, so we didn't have nearly enough time to look at movies. Or maybe that was a good thing since I didn't end up spending too much money.

The other thing I don't like about this mouse is that the wheel doesn't click. And I can't click the wheel to scroll, it cycles between windows. And yes Rob, I realize I can change button assignment, but I shouldn't have to.

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